Rossendale Free Press

Something Wonderful is going on


A PROJECT that provides hundreds of children with opportunit­ies in the holidays has transforme­d in nine months.

From its original base in a single Rawtenstal­l primary school, the not-for-profit organisati­on Wonderful Things was set up as a stand-alone company last September.

Since then it has branched out across Rossendale and into Ribble Valley.

In the summer, project managers Kate Crane and Julia Ansell will be adding another three new venues – Alder Grange School in Rawtenstal­l, St Veronica’s RC Church Hall in Helmshore and Accrington and Rossendale College.

Kate said: “The response we have had from the schools has been fantastic.”

The programme will start in July with a week at Accrington and Rossendale College, in a bid to foster aspiration in the primary children and high school youth volunteers.

Activities offered include horticultu­re, a treasure hunt and a two-day stint at Water Primary School.

Julia said: “We are offering an early bird discount for any places booked before June 30.

“We are also able to offer wrap-round care from 7.30am to 6pm, at an extra charge, at Accrington and Rossendale College , if there is a demand, we will extend it to Alder Grange.”

For more informatio­n about the Wonderful Things programme, email hello@wonderfult­hings.

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