Rossendale Free Press

Knifepoint thug fails in bid to quash conviction



ATHUG who mugged a taxi driver at knifepoint has failed to convince top judges he was the victim of a miscarriag­e of justice.

Anthony Kial Thomas Young held up the driver and forced him to hand over cash after ordering a taxi.

The 28-year-old, of Edward Street, Whitworth, was found guilty of robbery and having a bladed article at Manchester Minshull Street Crown Court in August last year.

He was jailed for six years the following month. This week, Young challenged his conviction at the Court of Appeal, in London, with his lawyers arguing it was “unsafe”.

They claimed his trial was unfair because video evidence from the taxi had been destroyed before jurors could see it.

But his complaints were thrown out by three senior judges, who ruled his trial was fair and his conviction safe.

The victim was sent to an address in St Anne’s Road, Newbold, shortly after midnight on February 2, 2015.

When he arrived, he was ambushed by Young, who attacked him before forcing him to hand over £100 at knifepoint.

Young’s defence was that, although his phone had been used to call for the taxi, he had an alibi.

His lawyers said that footage from a camera on the driver’s dashboard could have supported his case, but had been destroyed by the time of his trial.

They argued that this amounted to an “abuse” of the court process and meant he could not receive a fair trial.

But, dismissing his appeal, Judge Gregory Dickinson QC said the case against him was put fairly before the jury.

Sitting with Lord Justice Irwin and Mr Justice Holroyde, he added: “The footage was of poor quality and would have been of limited, if any, assistance to the jury.

“The trial judge took steps to ensure any possible prejudice to the appellant would be properly accommodat­ed within the trial process.” ●● Rossendale Golf Club profession­al Scott Goodwin with some of the ladies on this year’s Try Golf sessions

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