Rossendale Free Press



THE new head boy and girl at Fearns Community Sports College both want to improve communicat­ion between staff and pupils.

Taite Johnston, 15, who is in Year 10, was delighted to be selected by fellow pupils following an assembly where, along with three other candidates, he addressed the school.

He said: “I applied because being head boy looks good on your CV, but also I wanted to help further the school.

“I didn’t want to deliver a speech where I made lots of promises that I would not be able to deliver.

“The experience of public speaking was useful and I put some humour into my talk.

“I want to act as a voice for the pupils – yes, we have pupil voice, but not everyone feels confident taking issues up with them, so I hope they will be able to talk to me.”

Taite has already been a literacy leader and sports leader, and was selected as a school prefect.

Hayley Clayton said she applied to be head girl because she wants to be someone people are happy to approach.

She said: “I also want to help improve the school. It was hard making the speech in front of everyone, because you don’t want to say the same things as everyone else.

“I am a bit nervous about standing up and speaking in front of the new Year 7 parents, but I have done it in front of the whole school so it won’t be as hard.

“I am grateful to everyone who voted for me.”

Headteache­r Helen Stead said: “I am sure Taite and Hayley will be excellent as head boy and head girl at Fearns and I am looking forward to working with them both.”

 ??  ?? Fearns head girl Hayley Clayton and head boy Taite Johnston
Fearns head girl Hayley Clayton and head boy Taite Johnston

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