Rossendale Free Press

Burglars hurled paving slab through window


THE parents of a toddler have spoken of their terror after burglars hurled a heavy paving slab through their window as he slept upstairs.

The three-year-old’s mum was sat in her living room when rock crashed into the rear window at Fields Road, Haslingden.

Although the burglars fled, believed to have been spooked by the noise themselves, the mum has been left badly shaken.

Police are investigat­ing and neighbours have posted CCTV of two males seen on the road in a bid to find those responsibl­e.

The family spoke to the Free Press but asked not to be named.

The mum, 36, said: “I struggle to go in the kitchen in the evening and any noise makes me jump out of my skin.

“It was crazy, I was sat watching TV and heard an almighty smash. I was in tears thinking my little boy is upstairs.

“I know some people struggle for money but they don’t care. How would they feel if it was their mum, or gran or daughter?”

The dad, 34, was at work at the time of the incident, which happened on Monday, August 13, at around 10.10pm.

The couple have only been in the home a couple of weeks having moved from another house on the same road.

They had been away that weekend and believe the house could have been watched.

And because it appeared the same from the outside that night - with curtains drawn and lights on, albeit not on timer switches, the family believe it led to the burglars to believe they were still away.

Once CCTV footage was posted on Facebook a lot of comments were made about other suspicious incidents in the area.

As police resources continue to be stretched nationally the dad, 34, thinks this could lead to people taking action themselves.

He said: “It has made us really vigilant, staying up late and keeping an eye out. I feel frustrated and angry.

“We know the cops are stretched and I think there is a growing sentiment in the country there is only so far you can push good people before they push back.

“If things got worse maybe someone would go out and look to scare them off. I hope it doesn’t come to that but they (the burglars) have bad intent.”

A Lancashire Police spokesman said: “A woman was in the living room when a back win- dow was smashed but no entry gained.”

Anyone with informa- tion can contact police on 101 quoting log number 1,493 of August 13.

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