Rossendale Free Press



IT was interestin­g to see our MP providing such a positive account of the Northern Power House for which he has ministeria­l responsibi­lity, as that is his brief on his Tour of the North.

However, I would suggest the reality is somewhat different. I presume he was interviewe­d in Helmshore on the very morning there appeared to be congestion on the local bypass barely two miles from where he spoke. Somewhat surprising­ly the congestion was in the north bound direction rather than the more usual south bound direction.

The previous day (September 26) the West Coast mainline out of Euston was severely affected by a signalling problem between there and Wembley which caused disruption and cancellati­ons until the end of services that day (I know as I was caught in it!) Whilst the staff I dealt with were excellent and I arrived home via Sheffield rather than Stoke, neverthele­ss the rail problems extended beyond the Northern Power House area and into Scotland.

I for one would rather hear from politician­s who spoke realistica­lly about the current situation in the NPH where transport seems to be an essential key to its success, rather than hear them wittering on about “how much has been spent” (of our money actually) on alleged “improvemen­ts” and seeking to apportion blame anywhere but their own administra­tions, both nationally and locally.

Rather like the late John Smith I am not all that bothered who owns the railways or even the bus service, although it would be preferable to be owned in the UK plc, thus taking back control rather them being in German, Dutch or even Chinese hands. All I want is a system that works and works well. Is that too much to ask? D Mathias Haslingden


I SAW a sign stood at the roadworks at the top of Todmorden Road out of Bacup. The road has been under the traffic lights for I reckon at least twelve months with no sign of any work being done to repair the landslip.

I was wondering why, and is there any truth that a set of temporary lights cost £2,500 a week to hire and if so who is responsibl­e for this horrendous waste of taxpayer money? Are the Council flush with cash?

I was also wonder why the heck have they put giant stones next to the footpath at the border between Rossendale and Whitworth at Britannia, again are Whitworth Town Council so full of cash they can waste it on rubbish like that? David Greenwood Bacup


AS a solution to the long stay parking in Rawtenstal­l town centre (‘New parking plan in the pipeline?’, September 21) would it be possible to build a car park on the ‘spare’ land at New Hall Hey behind the two recently constructe­d units?

Bus stops for the X43 could be incorporat­ed here as well as leaving the existing one on Bank Street or the new bus station.

The Council could CPO the land if necessary and charge a nominal amount to park, so creating an income stream. Philip Lord Waterfoot


FOOD shopping is slowly but surely becoming increasing­ly difficult, especially if you do not want your food stuffs to be allied with Halal.

Most Warburton’s and Kingsmill products are Halal. This means that I no longer have a choice about whether or not I eat Halal foodstuffs.

The two products mentioned do display a symbol highlighti­ng their products are Halal, however if you did not know what the symbol was then you would never know that what you are eating is Halal.

Also many products do not display signs making it even harder to have an informed choice about what we eat.

I am not writing in order to protest about Halal, what my concern is that the shopper is having Halal foods almost forced upon them either through obscure signage or no signage at all.

What I am asking for is ALL Halal food stuffs to be clearly signed so that the shopper can make an informed choice. Is this really to much to ask? Glenn Jones Whitewell Bottom


WHAT you’ve been saying on our Facebook page: DISC parking could be imminent in Rawtenstal­l town centre as part of a shake-up of short stay spaces (‘New crackdown on town centre parking on way?’, September 21):

Bev Nixon: Not fair to make workers pay to park. Why not have a park and ride? Surely this could also ease some of the terrible congestion in Rawtenstal­l Centre.

Vicki Gamble: Why is it that every time changes to the car parking in Rawtenstal­l are suggested, there is never a mention of where the business owners and staff are going to park? I agree the free for all unmonitore­d parking we have often means there are no spaces. I would be happy with 3 hour disc parking IF provision is made for the workers in the town. Without parking for business owners and staff, the scheme can’t work! We NEED to be able to park for a full day without the risk of being penalised.

Wendy Doherty: They’d do well to create more parking spaces. It’s a nightmare market days trying to find anywhere to park. BRGS parents up in arms after Helmshore school bus service to be cut (‘Fury as village school bus hits end of the road’, September 28)

Jack Eastwood: There was never a service the other way around i.e. direct service from Waterfoot to Haslingden High. I had to get 2 buses and walk 20 minutes at either side. It’s no big deal, is it really? It’s just normal.

Charlotte Lees: Dreadful decision

Jodie Longley: I lived in Helmshore and went to BRGS. There wasn’t a direct bus then. I got 4 buses a day, no big deal

Karen Casper: Ridiculous!

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