Rossendale Free Press



●● Haslingden Pool WHAT you’ve been saying on our Facebook page:

COMMUNITY groups are set to share the outstandin­g bank balance left from donations to Haslingden Pool (June 7). Vikkie Jayne Moore: Oh my word. Spent a good 12 years of my life here. Steve Marshall do you know what happened to the plaque on the wall that was for Billy Lynch’s memorial? I would love to track it down and get it back from my record for the BT swimathon x Joyce Clough: I think that you have made the right decision in how to distribute the remaining money. Thank you once again for all your hard work, just a shame that the council was against the reopening x Sophie Marsden: Steve Marshall well done for everything you’ve done! It may not be the outcome most people wanted but at least the community is getting something back thanks to you! Lainey Dickson: You are our hero Steve Marshall. You fought to keep it open and in the end had the impossibli­ty of pleasing everyone as to what should happen with the monies. You have the biggest community spirt ever, I’m very proud of you x Janet Golden: Such a beautiful pool should have been kept open. Shame on Rossendale Council! Anthony Gotts: Making the best out of a bad situation is not “fantastic news”. Fantastic news would be Haslingden not being the poor relation to Rawtenstal­l. Lyndsay Wharton: Great news. Rossendale responsibl­e pets really deserve this. Nicola J Longmire: Fab, at least something good will happen to the money collected. Just a shame the baths can’t open x Annette Davidson: Should be towards a new pool in Rossendale. Eileen Mortimer Webster: Just pleased the children of Haslingden will benefit. I also feel its the best of a situation that shouldn’t exist. We should now have our new pool or the alternativ­e our beloved pool refurbishe­d and fit for purpose. Vicki Gamble: Shame the pool will never reopen but glad the money’s being given to local groups, especially Civic Pride who do a wonderful job making Rossendale a prettier place to live. Jane Siddall: As long as it spent in Haslingden area. Angela Trewartha: Great news

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