Rossendale Free Press



RECENTLY I attended the Rawtenstal­l Community Partnershi­p meeting in Crawshawbo­oth where there was a presentati­on about the plans for the next phase of the Town Centre developmen­t by the Council.

Following the presentati­on the public asked questions which revealed the reality – the Council don’t really know what they want to do.

Not sure how many shops.

No idea at all about parking. No idea about rents. Wouldn’t reveal who will operate the Spa.

In fact, a total waste of time.

This was made worse as the Councillor­s present couldn’t help out either as they just sat in silence, presumably as they too know nothing.

You could be forgiven for thinking that they have time to make proper plans.

But sadly, at the start of the meeting, we were all told that work will commence in September.

So they intend to start work in three months, with no detail or idea yet as to what they want. Sounds familiar? Yes - the Empty Homes Programme which has cost us the council tax payers over £ 5 million to date, started without a plan in place.

Years down the line still no explanatio­ns and no one has accepted any responsibi­lity.

No one in Rossendale has been consulted about a Spa.

But we are told it will work, but still no explanatio­n as to where those people who may come and pay to use it will park.

Nor could we be told where the occupants of the 30+ flats will park, or where people who will work in and use the new shops will park.

The biggest worry of all is that they have borrowed over £10 million to pay for all this and expect you the public of Rossendale to pay for it, without any consultati­on.

Who pays if the Spa doesn’t work? Michael Pickup Newchurch Road, Rawtenstal­l

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