Rossendale Free Press

Man ‘terrorised’ mum to feed his drug habit

- @JonMacMEN


ASON who ‘terrorised and harassed’ his 72-year-old mother for years to feed his class A drug habit has been jailed.

Darren Atkin, 40, has used illegal substances since the age of 13 and ‘preyed’ on his mum’s ‘generosity and unconditio­nal motherly love’, a court heard.

The defendant was made subject to a restrainin­g order in August 2017 that prohibited him from contacting her or going to her home in Waterfoot.

Prosecutor Stephen Parker told Preston Crown Court that Atkin breached the restrainin­g order six times between September 30 and October 16 this year.

Atkin also has eight previous conviction­s on his record for breaching orders against his mother since 2016, the court was told.

In a statement to police, his mum said: “My son Darren has been terrorisin­g and harassing me for years, always wanting money for drugs.

“I have had restrainin­g orders against him for years which he just continuall­y breaks and seems to mean nothing to him. It’s hard for me at the end of the day because he’s my son. I do feel guilty but he isn’t going to stop coming asking me for money. I’m unwell through the stress of it and can’t keep living like this.”

Mr Parker said Atkin came to her home asking for money at 11am on September 30 before returning again on October 5, 12, 14, 15 and 16.

When the defendant was arrested he told officers he was ‘in a bad place, homeless and his mother was the only person he can go to’.

Defence barrister Neil Howard said his mother is the ‘only person who has stood by him his entire life as he battled with class A drug addiction’.

He told the court: “In terms of mitigation there’s very little other than his guilty plea. All the breaches are almost identical. He does appear to have some insight into the devastatin­g impact he is having on his mother’s condition. He does have a great deal of self-loathing, disgust and remorse.

“He is attending his mother’s address when he is addicted to drugs.

“He approaches his mother knowing that through unconditio­nal love she will provide money for him.

“He accepts he has placed her in a precarious position because she loves him. That’s a double-edged sword and is causing her a great deal of stress and anxiety.

“Drugs have taken a great deal from him. They have taken the relationsh­ip with his mother and they have taken his health. Doctors have told him that if he keeps using drugs he will die in the near future.”

The court heard that

●● Darren Atkin was jailed for 16 months

Atkin was released from prison in June 2019 and was initially supported by a recovery programme in Chorley, taking regular drugs tests and engaging with the probation service. However he then ‘relapsed’ into drugs misuse after meeting an ‘old friend’ in Rossendale.

Mr Howard said Atkin is ‘extremely frustrated and disappoint­ed with himself’ adding: “He knows the court has been extremely lenient in the past and given him chance after chance.”

Atkin, of no fixed abode, pleaded guilty to breaching a restrainin­g order.

He was jailed for 16 months and given an indefinite restrainin­g order.

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