Rossendale Free Press



WE at Haslingden and Helmshore Civic Pride are delighted because in recent weeks we have been chosen as the Rossendale Borough Council Community Group of the Year 2019 for our area, and we have also been chosen by the Co-op to benefit from their Community Fund.

Just to recap we are a small group of volunteers who litter pick in Haslingden and Helmshore removing at least 1,000 bags of rubbish from our streets each year, we have planted up the railing planters in the town centre, the large planters along Deardengat­e in Haslingden, the tubs on Broadway, those by St Thomas’s church and planted up Station Green, Helmshore.

We have planted up the flower bed at the Green Squirrel and are in the process of regenerati­ng the garden on Regent Street.

We have more plans hence we have applied to the Co-op for funding and have been accepted as a cause.

We would like to use this funding to provide more railing planters in the town and on Manchester Road along with regenerati­on of a quiet seating/garden area on Manchester Road, near to the junction of Bury Road.

A new bench and planters to provide colour are planned if we are lucky enough to receive the necessary funding.

To help us we are relying on the Co-op Members to choose our cause.

When a member of the Co-op buys selected products and services from the Co-op they earn a 5% reward for themselves with a further 1% going to causes like ours.

Co-op members can choose a cause by going on line membership.

We really hope that people will visit the website and choose to support us.

If you are not a member and would like to support us you can join at your local store or on line at www.

The Co-op is looking to support organisati­ons that make a difference in their local community by protecting and improving community spaces, helping people reach their full potential by developing their skills or promoting health and wellbeing and we are very happy to have been chosen by them to receive some of the community fund.

Kathy Allcock, Haslingden and Helmshore

Civic Pride

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