Rossendale Free Press

Jake Berry

- Rossendale MP

IT has been a very busy parliament­ary session with the Government rightly focusing on lowering the infection rate of coronaviru­s and protecting jobs and the economy. Locally, in the

Valley things certainly feel like they are getting back to normal; it’s heartening to see cafes and restaurant­s reopening and high streets busier but we must not be complacent in our battle to control this virus.

As is very apparent in the other half of my constituen­cy, Coronaviru­s has not gone away. Easing of lockdown restrictio­ns, such as the re-opening of local gyms and swimming pools, have been paused just a few miles away in Blackburn with Darwen, due to an increase in cases.

These local outbreaks are a reminder that we must continue to stay alert, to control the virus as best we can. I’ve been extremely encouraged to see almost everyone following the guidance to wear facemasks whilst out shopping. I know that many people find wearing a mask, strange or uncomforta­ble but it really is vital tool to keep everyone safe.

As well as continuing with my casework and advice surgeries, it’s been good to get out and visit people across the Valley. One of my first points of call was The Whitaker in Rawtenstal­l. I was due to visit just before we went into lockdown, so it was good to finally get the chance to pop in and see how work on the transforma­tion is going. After a successful bid for Lottery funding, the work to convert the old barn into a new gallery space, café and bar is continuing on plan and is on schedule for re-opening next year.

Regular readers of the Free Press may have seen that I had the chance to visit another of Rossendale’s historic buildings, the Victoria Arcade in Waterfoot. It really is a fascinatin­g building with so much history and so much potential. It’s a shame that the interior has been boarded up for so many years but at last, under new ownership, I believe that there is a determinat­ion to see the building brought back into use. I will be working with them, as well as the Council to support plans to restore the Arcade so that everyone in Rossendale has a chance to enjoy this much loved building.

Finally, after an academic year unlike any other, the Valley’s schools have broken up for the Summer holidays. As a Governor at the Valley Leadership Academy, I was honoured to attend the end of term celebratio­n at the school, to say thank you to staff. I’m incredibly proud to be part of the team at The Valley Leadership

Academy and I pay huge tribute to the contributi­on of the members of staff who are leaving and wish them the very best.

It’s fair to say that there have been some big changes at the school since it converted from Fearns last year but it’s been a much needed fresh start. I am delighted to say that for the first time in many years, in September the school will have a full complement of specialist staff in all subjects. With Star Academy schools dominating the top of the league tables in Lancashire and nationally, I’m excited to be part of the school’s transforma­tion. I look forward to working on our ambitious plan to make The Valley Leadership Academy the best school in Rossendale.

Although my Constituen­cy office on Kay Street, Rawtenstal­l is still closed for drop in appointmen­ts I’m happy to arrange socially distanced visits to discuss any concerns you may have or telephone advice surgery appointmen­ts. If you need my help or want to let me know about an issue or problem. please get in touch either by phoning 01706 215 547 or email me at jake.berry. and I will do my very best to help.

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