Rossendale Free Press

Expert top tips to chase away those winter blues

- STUART PIKE @stuartpike­78

WITH the winter closing in and the country still deep in the clutches of the Covid19 pandemic, many of us can do with a hug - even if it’s just a metaphoric­al one.

Rossendale’s Wellbeing group asked 12 health care profession­als, yoga instructor­s, teachers, personal trainers, and therapists to give us a pep talk with their top health and wellbeing tips and they advocated everything from a good night’s sleep to cracking bad jokes.

● 1. A daily dose of vitamin D - this is important for multiple systems in the body and there is mounting evidence that it helps fight COVID-19. Put on your favourite songs and show your living room some moves! (Rachel Elven, practice nurse at Whitworth Medical Centre).

2. The Power of 10. Make a list of the things you love doing. Plan to ensure you create the opportunit­y for these to play a part in your day for a minimum of 10 minutes. Make it a golden rule no matter what else is demanding your time. (Marie Baistow, mental health occupation­al therapist and volunteer on Rossendale Radio).

3. Get your flu jab - if you are eligible to get it please contact your GP surgery. Also be kind as this makes us feel good and the person you’ve been kind to feels good. It causes release of happy chemicals in the brain and you may start a ripple effect of kindness in the community. (Dr Emma



4. Allow yourself time to just ‘potter’. Sometimes just going from one selfchosen little task to next little task without direction can settle the mind. If all else fails learn some kids’ jokes - some are so bad they can’t help but make you smile!’ (Dr Ailsa Cormack, Irwell Medical Centre).


● 5. Be active, move but find activities which you enjoy, and be awake to being alive. Notice taste, listen to music and read. ( Chris Willan, headteache­r, Water Primary).

● 6. Enjoy Rossendale, either by foot, two wheels, or clinging onto rocks with your fingers! (Glyn Ellis, headteache­r, Haslingden CP).

7. Take advantage of days when the weather is good and get outside. Use technology to keep in touch with friends and family, even when restrictio­ns mean you cannot meet in person. Family are precious. (Dr Jane Jackson, Bacup and Rawtenstal­l Grammar School).

● 8. Switch from the punishing mind to the honouring mind, this means be gentle and kind to yourself, we naturally recluse a little during winter, the darker nights and mornings are there for us to rest, so achieving less and having less energy is natural, don’t beat yourself up if you slow down and feel less inclined to be so active or social, sync with the season and take the rest. (Fiona Morgan, founder of Shekido, Bacup).

● 9. Laughing increases oxygen, endorphins, lowers blood pressure, increases T-cells, improves cardiac health, reduces cortisol, tones your abdominals, increases oxygen to the brain and brings a feeling of connection, belonging and feeling safe. (Heather Parsons, founder of Energybodi, Waterfoot).

● 10. Eat the rainbow, boosting our diets with different colours of fruit and vegetables. (Vanessa Pitrik, a yoga instructor).

● 11. Regular routines may be perceived as boring, but they give us structure and familiarit­y. The predictabi­lity of routines helps to reduce anxiety, lower stress and helps us feel calmer and more in control. Routines may include waking up/going to bed at the same time, having meal times at set times, watching a TV series, going for a daily walk, introducin­g a family activity at the weekend or having a weekly video call with a friend. (Anne Cartridge, therapist and owner, In mind Therapies in Rossendale).

● 12. Make sure you get a good night’s sleep. But also the best rest uses the time when we’re not at work positively. Be creative, read a book. Do something that refreshes you. And for me part of rest means spending some of that time with God. (Rev Rod Bevan). » For more informatio­n visit the Rossendale Wellbeing weekend Facebook page.

 ??  ?? Yoga instructor Vanessa Pitrik
Karen Dexter Photograph­y
Yoga instructor Vanessa Pitrik Karen Dexter Photograph­y
 ??  ?? ●● Rachel Elven, of Whitworth Medical Centre
●● Rachel Elven, of Whitworth Medical Centre
 ??  ?? ●● Annie Cartridge owner of In mind Therapies
●● Annie Cartridge owner of In mind Therapies

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