Rossendale Free Press

I’m so much fitter now than I was in my 20s


- Davina McCall is supporting Raisio Nutrition Ltd’s Cholestero­l Uncovered campaign, to encourage people to reconsider their diet and lifestyle choices. Visit en/cholestero­l-uncovered

AT 53, Davina McCall is a fitness powerhouse. The TV presenter and mother-of-three has transforme­d her physique in recent years, launching her own fitness platform, Own Your Goals Davina, sugar-free cookbooks and workout DVDs.

But wellness wasn’t always top of her agenda, and early in her career, Davina admits a poor diet and lack of exercise put her health at risk.

“In my 20s, exercise wasn’t as much of a focus for me as it is now.

“I was quite slim but my body wasn’t very toned, which was probably because when I did go to the gym, I would never really break a sweat. You would typically find me on the stepping machine reading a magazine.

“But soon after I had my second daughter Tilly, I got in touch with this amazing [personal trainer] couple, Jackie and Mark, and they completely turned my life around.

“I went from walking down the red carpet and no one really taking any notice of me, to then walking down the red carpet and everyone screaming my name and wanting photos – and that was because I had really toned up.”

Davina, who has recently been highlighti­ng issues around the menopause and the way menopausal women are treated by the medical profession and society, is now in better shape than ever.

She says: “Comparing my fitness now to back in my 20s, I am so much fitter than I was then. At the time, I was quite content with my fitness, but if I was to have done a fitness test at 28, I’m sure I wouldn’t have scored as well as I would now, despite being in my 50s.”

During this time, before she became a household name on Big Brother in the Noughties, Davina was shocked to discover she had high cholestero­l, putting her at risk of developing heart disease.

“After I met my husband [Davina married Matthew Robertson in 2000; the pair have since divorced], we decided we wanted to try for a baby. One of my biggest fears was whether I would come across any barriers in getting pregnant, and so to put my mind at ease, I booked a general health check with my GP.

“They took some bloods and the test flagged two things: the first was that my thyroid was struggling and the second showed I had high cholestero­l.

“I just looked at my GP and asked if it was mistake,” Davina recalls.

“At the time, I considered myself to be a moderately healthy 28-yearold and it never even crossed my mind that I would be at risk of something like that, especially as I always associated high cholestero­l as something old people get – not someone in their 20s.”

High cholestero­l is believed to affect around six in 10 adults in the UK, but despite this, awareness about it is generally low.

Davina says she believes her high-fat diet was the main culprit, although genetics likely had a part to play, as there’s a history of high cholestero­l in her family.

“Back then, I would refer to myself as a ‘butter fiend’, as butter and sugar would be my absolute guilty pleasure,” she says.

“And with being half-French, processed meats such as salami were also something I devou-red on a regular basis. I now understand the fat content in salami is just horrific, and so that is something I’ve really dialled back on.

“White pasta and white bread were also things I always had in my cupboards. I never really thought to make the switch to wholemeal, as at the time, I didn’t think it would make much difference to my health.”

Now, her diet is much more balanced. Davina says she’s been learning “so much” about fibre from gut health guru Dr Megan Rossi (@thegutheal­thdoctor).

She also tries to incorporat­e 30 different types of plant-based foods into her diet each week.

One great sacrifice Davina made, which she “continues to grieve for”, is cheese. She says: “My half-sister and I lived together for a long time and I remember our favourite dinner would be a ‘picky plate’ of assorted meats, cheeses, French bread and tons of butter.

“Now I very rarely eat cheese, other than a sprinkling of parmesan on my pasta or at Christmas time – I definitely see it more as a treat now.”

Luckily, she really enjoys eating healthily, and her diet is just one way she looks after her wellbeing.

“As I’ve gotten older, fitness has taken on greater importance and as a result has become more of an interest. I now make time for 30 minutes of exercise a day, five days a week, just to keep on top of my fitness. That may be split between one or two runs and then the other three days I’ll do an at-home workout.

“Essentiall­y, I look at my body like an engine and it constantly needs fine-tuning to be working at top capacity,” she adds. “And so I now think about various aspects of my body, such as my bones, my heart, muscle tone, staying strong, and my overall mental health – all things I never really thought too much about when in my 20s – and how best I can nourish them.”

Over the years, Davina has spoken openly about her battle and triumph over drug addiction, including a dependency on heroin when she was in her 20s.

She says: “I’m really open with my kids – they know about my history with addiction and we talk about that, but with my parents’ and grandparen­ts’ generation­s, it was quite the opposite.”

Davina says part of the reason she was caught short by her cholestero­l diagnosis was because she was in the dark about her family history.

“Since then, things have changed, and we can now identify health issues through hereditary causes and the stigma of talking about health issues has definitely faded, which is a great thing.

“After I overcame my addiction issues in my early-20s and quit smoking at 25, I naturally became much more health-conscious – but of course in hindsight, you always think you could have done more to live a healthier life.”

So, if she could give her younger self health advice, what would it be?

“I think I would tell my younger self, ‘Do what you’re doing, just bear in mind that you will pay a price for the decisions and lifestyle choices you make now in the long run’. I think that’s generally sound advice for people in their 20s.”

Back then, I would refer to myself as a ‘butter fiend’, as butter and sugar would be my absolute guilty pleasure

Davina on her lifestyle in her 20s

 ??  ?? Davina McCall as she looks now
Davina in 2002 while hosting Big Brother, pictured with contestant Jade Goody
Davina McCall as she looks now Davina in 2002 while hosting Big Brother, pictured with contestant Jade Goody
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 ??  ?? Looking fab: Davina (Image: davinamcca­ll/Instagram)
Looking fab: Davina (Image: davinamcca­ll/Instagram)

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