Rossendale Free Press

Jake Berry

- Rossendale MP

WHEN the sun is shining there is nowhere better to be than out in our glorious Rossendale countrysid­e enjoying the spectacula­r views across the Valley.

However, as we all know, the Valley gets more than its fair share of wet weather, and sadly there have been many communitie­s that have suffered from flooding over recent years.

Unfortunat­ely, this is not just a problem confined to Rossendale, which is why the Government are investing £5.2 billion to improve flood defences across England over the next six years.

Last week I received confirmati­on of the projects that will be funded from the first year of this programme and I’m pleased to report that areas including Irwell Vale, Chatterton, Stackstead­s, Rawtenstal­l and Goodshaw are on the list.

It’s important to note that this is just the first year of a six-year programme and I know that there are many other areas across Rossendale where flood defence improvemen­ts are needed.

I will continue to fight for our fair share of this funding to protect our local communitie­s and

I’m hopeful that more local schemes will be confirmed soon.

We had more good news for Rossendale last week with the announceme­nt that All Saints High School in Rawtenstal­l has been confirmed as one of the next set of schools included in the School Rebuilding Programme.

All Saints is a wonderful school with a great Sports Hall but it’s fair to say some of its other buildings have seen better days.

Plans are at an early stage but together with the confirmati­on earlier this year that Whitworth High is being re-built, it’s great to see substantia­l investment coming into our local schools.

Although Parliament is in recess, I’ve been out and about across Rossendale (and Darwen) over recent weeks holding advice surgeries and meetings.

I visited Blackwood Mill Joinery in Bacup and Guideline Engineerin­g in Waterfoot for a catch up on how businesses are managing.

It’s really positive however to hear how our local economy is really starting to bounce back from the difficulti­es of the last 18 months.

Much has been said, quite rightly, about the amazing efforts of our public services and the NHS during the pandemic, but we shouldn’t forget the dedication and hard work of so many of our local businesses and their employees who have done everything they can to make sure their business survives and keeping local people in work.

I’ve also been working with our local police, landowners and residents’ groups to tackle the problems caused by illegal off-road vehicles.

There has been a spate of incidents over recent months of damage and destructio­n to land and livestock caused by the reckless behaviour of people driving motorbikes or quadbikes across the moors. I’m pleased to report that Lancashire Police’s new rural task force are taking the matter seriously and are working with the authoritie­s to clamp down on illegal activities and anti-social behaviour.

Although my office in Rawtenstal­l is not currently open for drop-in visits I am still holding my weekly advice surgeries by appointmen­t.

If you need my help or want to let me know about an issue or problem. please get in touch either by phoning 01706 215 547 or email me at jake.berry. and I will do my very best to help.

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