Rossendale Free Press



THE last week has seen very mixed weather, as we all know, but we have been quite lucky.

Wednesday, August 4, saw 18 ramblers enjoying sunny weather whilst walking a nine- mile route from Mankinhole­s, near Todmorden.

Stoodley Pike Monument was a feature of this walk - built in 1856 to celebrate the end of the Crimean War.

As with the Jubilee Monument in Darwen, one can ascend steps inside the building to enjoy a 360° panorama.

Then on Thursday, August 5, 13 walkers enjoyed quite a stiff two-hour evening walk to the wonderful Halo Panopticon above Haslingden, with several managing a drink in The Whitaker afterwards, surveying the smart extension to their facilities.

Finally, despite an awful forecast, nine brave people survived several blustery showers on a hike over six miles from Cliviger Gorge, being well rewarded by some dramatic views.

Coming up, on Sunday, August 15, we have a 10-mile walk from Todmorden, a popular area with us, as you will have seen.

The wonderfull­yshaped Bridestone­s will be a focus of this walk.

Then on Wednesday, August 18, there is another 10-mile walk from Barley, taking in Pendle Hill, one of the ‘ Lancashire Three Peaks’.

Finally, on Thursday, August 19, we offer another two-hour evening walk from the centre of Rawtenstal­l – so do please join us.

These walks are free, but after three walks with us we ask you to join The Ramblers, at a cost of only £ 3.05 per month.

Further informatio­n about Rossendale Ramblers can be found on our website at www. rossendale- ramblers. co. uk.

Or you can contact us via secretary Glyn on 01706 561042

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