Rossendale Free Press

Giant Crossword


Across: 1 Scissors, 5 Traffic, 9 Take notes, 14 Sepal, 16 Far and wide, 23 Heeded, 24 Communism, 25 Repeals, 26 Pip, 27 Anchorage, 28 Tidy, 29 Trampoline, 30 Jenkins, 31 Tame, 32 Truant, 33 Piaf, 34 Moorhen, 37 Inane, 38 Maria, 39 Tinge, 40 News report, 42 Elite, 43 Androids, 48 Lena, 49 Integer, 50 Students, 51 Huq, 52 Dissonance, 53 Log off, 58 Ugly look, 61 Sights, 62 Steeped, 63 Needless, 65 Resounding, 70 Protesting, 72 Hurtling, 73 Bedroom, 74 The Sea, 75 Portends,

82 Floats, 83 Tie the knot, 85 Wry, 86 Open arms, 87 Comedic, 88 Pass, 94 Falsetto, 95 Ditto, 96 Extinguish, 97 Omega, 98 Voice, 99 GCSEs,

103 Scrooge, 105 Lace, 106 Lascar, 108 Opal, 109 Interns, 110 Out of joint, 113 Diet, 114 Persisted, 115 VIP, 116 Tantrum, 118 Sincerely,

119 Amazon, 120 Cold caller, 121 Sheer, 122 Distemper, 123 Squeaky,

124 Meditate.

Down: 2 Clearance, 3 Sedimentar­y, 4 Oddjob, 6 Rome, 7 Fan belts, 8 Camping out, 9 Thrush, 10 Kip, 11 Near miss, 12 Toss, 13 Superior, 14 Sepia, 15 Pear trees, 17 Adrift, 18 Argument, 19 Waterlogge­d, 20 Dodie, 21 Town crier, 22 Christmas, 31 Treaties, 35 Javelin, 36 Genus, 41 Triads, 44 Defined, 45 Lino, 46 Jesting, 47 Scree, 54 Thou, 55 Seven, 56 Recount, 57 Dodo, 59 Gorilla, 60 Oath, 64 Stew, 66 Snail, 67 Alcove, 68 Proposal, 69 Resolve, 71 Transporte­d, 76 Rice, 77 Expectoran­t, 78 Staircase, 79 Crone, 80 Dramatises, 81 Residuals, 84 Knowledge, 89 Sternmost, 90 Ethereal, 91 Strapped, 92 Suspense, 93 Barnacle, 100 Élysée,

101 Dimmer, 102 Afraid, 104 Cairo, 107 Sever, 111 Otis, 112 Trek, 117 Rip.

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