Rossendale Free Press

Jake Berry

MP for Rossendale


FOR many families across Rossendale the last few weeks will have been a welcome time to spend with each other.

Since I last wrote in the Free Press we have celebrated both Easter and Eid.

These hugely important and significan­t religious celebratio­ns enable us to come together with our families, something which many of us have missed over the last two years.

The last few weeks have also seen local candidates fight it out for control of

our council.

In what was a very tight set of results, wards changed hands with just a handful of votes in it either way.

The net result was that Labour retained control of the council and I look forward to continuing with my close working relationsh­ip with the council, promoting the Valley and our shared “Levelling Up” agenda.

Over the last 15 years I have always been struck that no matter who is in power, politician­s here in Rossendale work together

for this area, and this will not change.

I wish Cllr Alyson Barnes luck as the council leader and thank everyone who took part and voted in the elections.

This week I attended the Bacup Business Associatio­n meeting and was able to talk about the plans to invest in the town.

One of the issues raised was the welcome increase in police presence in the Bacup.

This, together with increased rural policing, is something I and our Police and Crime Commission­er, Andrew Snowden, have been campaignin­g for.

Seeing more police on our street is not a sign crime is going up, it is in fact the best way of ensuring it comes down, and keeping communitie­s safe here in Rossendale is one of my top priorities.

This includes the reopening of the front desk at Waterfoot Police Station, which is imminent and is part of the new approach to policing being championed in the Valley.

Finally, one of my favourite things to do is to visit our local schools.

I recently went to St Anne’s Primary in Waterfoot.

As a father of three I never tire of the enthusiasm of younger people for our area and the children at St Anne’s are no exception.

In the hour questionin­g, which was more akin to Jeremy Paxman on Newsnight than any programme on CBBC, we covered many issues but with a huge focus on the community and the environmen­t.

If the children of St Anne’s are anything to go by every politician in Rossendale has some tough competitio­n coming with a bright, articulate and positive generation snapping at our heels!

If you want to let me know about an issue or problem, please get in touch either by phoning 01706 215 547 or email me at and I will do my very best to help you.

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