Rossendale Free Press



●●A HEARTBROKE­N family say they watched their beloved mother die in hospital after medics looked at the wrong patient’s notes and found a ‘do not resuscitat­e’ form. Pat Dawson was taken by ambulance from her home in Rawtenstal­l to the Royal Blackburn Hospital at around 5pm on September 19 last year (page 3).

Paula Dawson: I just need to comment, this was my mother in law and we have contacted the papers to get out our story, not about one specific person and one team of staff but to say how stretched the A&E department­s are. It was chaos that day and it’s no wonder this happened. We now need to highlight the issues the staff face and the stress they are all under, they should never be put in this position for these mistakes to happen! Again we do not and never have blamed any individual­s but now we must seek the trust to do better!

Carol Bulmer: This must have been absolutely horrendous for this poor ladies family, NHS is being stretched to breaking point, mistakes like this should never happen, something needs to be done to take some of the pressure off, all the powers that be seem to interested in is meeting targets, to hell with the targets, get some proper structure in place, that would be a good start, thoughts with the family.

Andy Darcy: The government should be held responsibl­e for this it’s their fault

Sarah Elizabeth Louise Mc: Royal Blackburn needs some serious help! There is not enough staff, chaotic, too many patient/ staff ratio. The place is drowning everyday. They can’t recruit enough perm staff as most nurses take one look at the place and run a mile. The people tax payers deserve better care and the staff better working conditions. The place is being failed and failing.

Reader: My daughter was in resus the other week and the corridors was full of trollies that had been in from the day before, later in the day she was put on the corridor, and a team was walking round saying how can we make things better I said people not being treated on corridors and not letting everybody on the corridor know what was wrong. This was not Blackburn Hospital Eleanor Crook: This is very sad. Thoughts to her family x

I do feel the problem is when they closed

Burnley as an A&E. Blackburn is to small to cover such a big area. Plus GPs in areas have a lot to answer for. I was told my GP couldn’t take my stitches out and would have to go A&E.

Luckily my local walk in centre did it but if not I would be taking up nurses and doctors time that should be used elsewhere!

Kelly Hodgkinson: So sad, condolence­s to her family. Its not just Blackburn. Fairfield is just as bad 12 hours in waiting room and not a single person called through. Poor doctors who came on shift in morning playing catch up with patients who came in from 10pm onwards. Shocking

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