Ruislip & Eastcote & Northwood Gazette

Happiness (says a new study) is a warm lunch


JUST back from meeting friends for lunch, I must tell you that on this occasion I had the opposite experience from my moan recently about lack of veggie choices. In fairness to the Bel and the Dragon at Cookham, the pub that I criticised in April, they have since pledged to improve the menu after my piece on TripAdviso­r (the only time I have felt strongly enough to use this site).

Yes folks, these companies really do read comments on their services.

If they are fair and measured comments, not silly rants, they take them seriously, and actually reply on the site.

Having named the place that disappoint­ed me (many readers asked me to let them know where it was), I will now describe the positive experience we had today at Amici in Sheep Street, Bicester.

This small family-run Italian restaurant – an unpretenti­ous place, simply furnished like the small eateries you might visit on holiday – offered the tastiest food I have had for ages, and not just for veggies either. It is not licensed, but you can take your own bottle.

My dish – penne pasta in the most delicious tomato-y sauce, with perfectly cooked vegetables, big chunks of sundried tomato and a generous helping of parmesan – was heaven.

Mr F and our friends, all meat eaters, were equally impressed with the food and friendly service.

On my return, still glowing after my positive experience, I was pleased to read an article headed Happiness for the over-55s is… a regular pub lunch.

The research by a retirement planning firm examined ways to increase contentmen­t, taking into account what those relying on a state pension could realistica­lly afford.

The company, Age Partnershi­p found that the three most affordable options were eating out once a month, going on day trips and being in a club – all costing less than five percent of the maximum new state pension.

You don’t of course have to be on a pension to enjoy these things, or even be on a small income. I still work on a freelance basis, but I intend to find time to go on a few day trips – and carry on lunching!

JUST read an article asking a question even the French cannot solve: How do you stop leftover wine from going off ? All I could think was – what leftover wine?

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