Ruislip & Eastcote & Northwood Gazette

Don’t use Brexit to delay third runway


ON Saturday [July 3] I attended a rally of hundreds of Heathrow supporters who all share my outrage that the government, (under the pretext of the BREXIT vote), has yet again avoided making a decision on airport expansion.

I have heard rumours that some say expansion is not what local people want. Well I would like to tell these people that they do not speak for me and certainly not for the 100,000 plus LOCAL supporters who also back expansion at Heathrow.

I’ve lived around the airport for most of my life in Ealing, Brentford, Kingston, Twickenham, Maidenhead and Richmond to name but a few, so I’m no stranger to aircraft taking off or landing over my house. I understand that it is part of the deal that comes with having an airport on my doorstep and that it provides property, opportunit­y and incredible benefits for local people.

For the last 30 years I’ve worked in a number of jobs – house manager, chef, chauffeur and pilot.

All different but all dependent on Heathrow. Without the airport I wouldn’t have been able earn a living and raise my family. My wife also worked in the hotels around Heathrow before having children and it was the airport she went back to when she resumed work. We in turn spend our money in local shops and businesses. That has definitely got to be good news for them, the people they employ & for the local communitie­s. Everyone benefits.

A new runway at Heathrow is vital and the government needs to show local people they care about our jobs and our children’s futures. My message to the next Prime Minister is clear – it’s time to back Heathrow NOW!

BARRY NELSON-WEST Granville Road, Hillingdon

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