Ruislip & Eastcote & Northwood Gazette

Who Else Wants To Get Rid Of Sciatica And Back Pain Without Surgery?

If YouÕre One Of More Than 20 MILLION Adults In The UK Suffering This Crippling Pain, This Could Be Your Salvation!


Chronic back and leg pain can make you feel old and worn out.

It is painful to work, difficult to sleep, and almost impossible to do the things you enjoy most each day.

Linda R. from Denham describes it like this: “I couldn't work or do anything useful, and the drugs my GP prescribed hardly did anything. Ó Do any of these telltale signs sound familiar? ¥ Pain radiating from your lower back to your

buttock and down the back of your leg ¥ Numbness, tingling, and muscle weakness

in the affected leg ¥ Nagging discomfort that feels like anything from a mild ache, to a sharp burning sensation, to excruciati­ng pain If you are suffering from any of these discouragi­ng symptoms, it is entirely possible you may have sciatica. So What Exactly Causes Sciatica?

Sciatica is your body's signal that there is too much pressure on a nerve in your lower back. The most common cause of this pressure is a bulging or herniated lumbar disc.

Many mistakenly think the extreme measure of back surgery is the only way to relieve their pain. The problem is, often this type of back surgery simply doesn't work. Your Safe, Drugless, Non-Surgical Solution

Fortunatel­y, if you suffer from any of the conditions listed above, there is hope! Now your pain can be relieved or eliminated by new non-surgical therapeuti­c techniques that are extremely effective.

Recent results published in medical journals bear this out. With success rates as high as 90% for Non-Surgical Re-Constructi­ve Spinal Care, some back surgeons are recommendi­ng it as the preferred option before surgery is considered.

Low back pain and sciatica relief expert Louise Chiasson-Baxter wholeheart­edly agrees.

At The Health Lodge in Hillingdon, Louise and her team of fully trained spinal care specialist­s are seeing stunning results. For Some People It Is Almost Miraculous

Louise states, "We have helped over 4,026 patients suffering from this agonising condition to say goodbye to their pain, and start living again."

Louise continues, "In more than a decade of practice, I've never seen a treatment as effective as this for sciatica and low back pain. It is almost miraculous how it gives our patients back their joy for life."

Louise went on to say, "There's nothing natural about living with chronic pain.

And now thanks to the advanced technology used at The Health Lodge, there simply isn't any reason to endure it."

Louise's face lights up when she describes the state-of-the art technology she and her spinal care specialist­s utilise for their patients.

'The ultra-advanced technology we use is not found anywhere else in Hillingdon. We can precisely diagnose the cause of your low back pain and sciatica, and create a personalis­ed programme for reconstruc­ting the damaged area. We are seeing superior long-term positive results for almost all of our clients."

Louise Chiasson-Baxter shared what some of their patients say about their experience­s with this breakthrou­gh technology­É “Thank God I called your number. IÕm 95% better in just a couple of weeks. "“You gave me back my life! "“I feel 15-years younger! "

This means in just a matter of a few short weeks, you could be back to engaging in your favourite activities, able to work, enjoying your love life, or traveling again.

Louise is eager to open the door to healing to as many as possible. So for a limited time she has reserved 100 new patient consultati­ons for our readers at a substantia­l discount.

He urges our readers, It's time for you to find out if Non-Surgical Re-Constructi­ve Spinal Care will be your lasting solution to the anguish of sciatica and low back pain.

Call today and you will receive everything listed below for just £49. We usually charge £195 for this extensive evaluation!Ó

Here's what you will get: ¥ An in-depth consultati­on where we gather

your full medical history. ¥ A complete neuro-muscular and structural/ mechanical examinatio­n. ¥ If clinically indicated, computer analysed digital x-rays. ¥ Peerless high precision technical analysis of the problem. ¥ A full follow up report. ¥ A detailed, personalis­ed programme for the best non-invasive, non-surgical reconstruc­tive care for your specific issues. Here's What To Do Next To Get Your £146 Discount 1. Phone 0208848878­7 right now. 2. Schedule your £49 new patient evaluation (a £195 value). 3. Cut out this article and take it to your appointmen­t for your discount. 4. Get ready to say goodbye to your chronic pain! Read What Another Patient Says… And Then CALL! "I've suffered with back problems for 18 years. I've tried everything so you can imagine I'd given up and was very skeptical that anyone could help. Recently it developed from being back pain into full blown shooting electrical pain in my left leg. It made work impossible and I barely got any sleep, I was uncomforta­ble all the time. I came to The Health Lodge as a last resort as my doctor was recommendi­ng surgery. After just 2 weeks the electrical shocks subsided into an ache and I was able to sleep better and even go back to work. After 6 weeks the leg problems were gone!" Paul S. Hillingdon Don't Suffer Another Day Call 0208848878­7 Right Now! Code: BOS49SCTL1­0hb

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