Ruislip & Eastcote & Northwood Gazette


Want to save your plants and save water? Go easy with the sprinkler and embrace these expert suggestion­s instead, says HANNAH STEPHENSON


Turn your patio into the hottest place in the home this summer

Yes, we’ve had some lovely weather of late, but don’t reach for the sprinkler at the first sign of a sunny spell.

Using as much as 1,000 litres of water per hour – more than the average a family of four use in a whole day – sprinklers aren’t exactly efficient.

There are a zillion products out there designed to help you save water, from automatic irrigation systems, with sensors designed to monitor the amount of moisture in the soil and turn themselves on accordingl­y (or which can be turned on via an app on your phone), to bath water diverters which will send all your ‘grey’ water to your water butt.

Organisati­ons including the National Trust, the RHS and Waterwise have long been promoting water-saving and conservati­on, and it’s something we can all embrace in our own homes.

If you do have to resort to a sprinkler, do it in the early morning or late afternoon when evaporatio­n rates are lower, Waterwise recommends.

Meanwhile, here are nine other ways to help save water in your garden...


If you’ve added organic matter to your beds and borders, that should help to retain some moisture, but if you’re in doubt, dig down to about a spade’s depth to see if the soil is moist.

If it is, you shouldn’t need to water mature permanent plants. Light, sandy soils are going to need more watering than heavy clay ones, especially if you haven’t improved the lighter soil structure with added organic matter.


Add water-retaining crystals to your compost when planting your summer blooms, which swell when watered and release the moisture gradually. You can also use moisture control composts which store and release water when your plants most need it.

If you have plants in pots, gather them together to create a little microclima­te and again reduce evaporatio­n, and you can water them all together.

But it’s preferable to use the biggest pot you can afford for patio plants, which will require less watering than smaller containers.

If you must use annuals, which are notoriousl­y thirsty, keep them in pots rather than borders and go for ones which can withstand drier situations, such as pelargoniu­ms, gazania and osteosperm­um.

Some more thirsty specimens in pots may benefit from being placed on a tray lined with capillary matting, which soaks up the water and then delivers the moisture to the roots gradually when it’s needed – handy if you’re going away on summer holidays and don’t have someone to water the garden for you.


If you are creating new beds and borders, consider drought-resistant plants such as lavender, Sedum spectabile, lamb’s ears and ornamental grass such as Stipa tenuissima, while middle-sized drought-resistant plants include Echinacea purpurea ‘Magnus,’ Erysimum ‘Bowles’s Mauve’ (wallflower), Russian sage and Nepeta ‘Six Hills Giant’ (catmint).

At the back of the border, you could use species more than 1.8m tall, including Cotinus coggygria ‘Royal Purple,’ Choisya ternata (Mexican orange blossom) and Trachelosp­ermum jasminoide­s.

Most drought-tolerant plants will have either aromatic leaves, fleshy and succulent leaves (which store moisture for dry spells), grey leaves, hairy leaves (which shade themselves with their own hairs), long narrow leaves (which are good at shedding heat without water), or spikes (which act as ‘fins’ to cool the plant).


Well-establishe­d evergreens and perennials should be happy not to be watered for longer than young plants or annuals in pots, as their root systems will go deep down into the soil to access moisture.

Fruit and veg tend to be thirsty so you may choose to grow less produce, especially if you end up giving a lot of it away to friends and neighbours.


Don’t water establishe­d lawns – if we have a long hot spell, they may turn a bit brown, but they will recover with the autumn rains.

Leave them to grow a bit longer to preserve water and introduce drought-tolerant clovers and trefoils, which will prevent the lawn from changing colour completely when a dry spell hits.

During really dry spells, leave the grass a bit longer and if you do mow it, take off the grass box and leave the clippings on the surface to help retain moisture.


Try to recycle water as a matter of course. Use a plastic bowl for washing up and then deposit the water on to your plants, as a small amount of biodegrada­ble washingup liquid isn’t going to hurt them.

Save the really dirty water for

 ??  ??
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Only water plants that really need it
Only water plants that really need it
 ??  ?? Keep annuals in pots and gather them together
Keep annuals in pots and gather them together
 ??  ?? Add mulch
Add mulch

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