Ruislip & Eastcote & Northwood Gazette



SWIMMING is a great all-over body exercise and not something you particular­ly want to do inside when it’s so warm.

Wild swimming is becoming more and more popular in the UK and is a great free activity to fit into a staycation.

There are lots of wild swimming places, use the internet to find the nearest one to you.

While wild swimming can be a fun family activity, there are some very important rules to remember:

■ NEVER jump into water you don’t know the depth of or if you can’t see what’s in the water. ■ STAY out of reservoirs, they contain hidden machinery.

■ ASK for advice: only swim in areas suitable for wild swimming and for the skill level of all members of your party.

■ NEVER drink alcohol or take drugs and swim (and don’t swim on a full stomach).

■ DO not wild swim alone.

■ IT’S not just the seas that have dangerous currents, they can be found in lakes and rivers too.

■ ENTER the water slowly and get used to the temperatur­e – below 15°C cold water ‘gasp reflex’ can be triggered. It can be fatal. ■ SWIM near the shore, not away from it.

■ WATCH children at all times. ■ WHERE possible stick to beaches with lifeguards and always obey their directions or the flags that are flying.

■ RECOGNISE the signs of drowning – people who are drowning are usually silent. Dial 112 or 999 and ask for the coastguard (seaside) or fire and rescue. Find something buoyant you can throw to help keep them above water. Don’t put yourself in danger.

■ DON’T trespass or swim in areas where it is prohibited – there’s usually a very good reason you’re not allowed to swim there.

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