Ruislip & Eastcote & Northwood Gazette

Ali’s set to battle Boris



“I CAN beat Boris Johnson in Uxbridge because I care about it and he doesn’t.”

That’s the telling message spelled out by the Labour Party’s new candidate for Uxbridge and South Ruislip, Ali Milani, when I interview him at a local cafe.

The 24-year-old is super confident and driven for his age, but as vice president of the National Union of Students, you would expect as much.

He’s not at all cowed by recent negative publicity surroundin­g anti-semitic tweets he sent when he was a teenager.

The Daily Mail and other national newspapers have slated him for the messages. But although apologetic, Mr Milani is determined not to let it get in the way of his vision to serve the people of Uxbridge.

“I made those comments when I was a teenager. I am deeply regretful and will continue to apologise for them,” he says.

“I’ve done a lot in my role at the NUS and as a councillor to support the Jewish community and work to battle antisemiti­sm, and I will continue to do so.”

Some of it he says was to do with his schooling: “In the school I went to, that kind of language was common. It’s no way an excuse, and I will continue to do whatever I can to build trust.”

Mr Milani says his national position with the NUS has also made him a target for racism so he knows exactly what it’s like.

Caring about Hillingdon

So with that out the way, it’s back to beating Boris. How’s he going to do it exactly?

“I’m a local resident from Uxbridge. I’ve worked here and studied here and I live here. I’m not just using this as a platform like Boris is,” he says.

“A charlatan eventually gets found out. The Tories obviously don’t care about Uxbridge.

“People send me emails saying they’ve tried to get in touch with this guy [Boris] but he’s nowhere to be found.

“It’s about having someone who’s based here and who feels the same pain as everybody else. It’s about that communal feeling.”

He says Boris’ failure to vote against the plans for Heathrow will also be a key decider: “He made big statements about Heathrow saying he would lie down in front of the bulldozers but he has failed to act on it. That’s why his majority has halved,” he says pointedly.

A tough start in life

It’s been hard won. His mother came to the UK from Iran when her relationsh­ip broke down and raised him and his sister on her own. He was just five years old at the time.

The family moved around a lot, but Mr Milani says his mum was determined to do whatever it took to get the best life possible for her children.

And crucially he got a good education at St Augustine’s CE High School in Maida Vale.

What was it like coming to the UK as an immigrant?

“My mum dreamed of a better life and an education and freedom of speech for her children and those were the principles I was brought up with.

“Imagine the bravery, just picking up all your belongings and fleeing to a new country. It took an incredible amount of courage but it was just about wanting the best for your kids. I remember being very, very confused when we got here, just complete confusion. And I remember being in school and struggling with the language.

“I didn’t speak much English. We lived in a council house and it was always week-to-week in terms of getting by.

“I suppose this journey gave me an insight into some of the things like education, housing and healthcare that are so important to protect.

“I want to make sure housing and education are possible for everyone.

“But people always wanted to help and not much has changed in that regard. Multicultu­ralism is our strength in west London. That’s why I love my community. I want to make sure that help is there for every kid and every family.”

Getting involved in politics

It was when education maintenanc­e allowance grants for students began to be cut that Milani first got involved in politics. He was in sixth form and he went on to study Internatio­nal Relations at Brunel University.

He remembers getting involved in marches against the second Gulf war as a youngster.

At university, he joined various societies and became president of the Students’ Union in his third year, then he stood for vice president of the NUS.

“I went through the whole system and we had EMA grants cut, the first year of £9K tuition fees and the first generation to have the maintenanc­e support grant cut. I’ve always loved education but I don’t believe in an education system that saddles people with debt. Also, when the whole direction is studying to pass an exam you lose the colour of education. Testing should be a measure of progress.”

Winning in Uxbridge

But how is Ali Milani from Uxbridge really going to unseat the political giant that Boris has become?

For one thing he plans to get the ball rolling early, hoping to organise ‘shadow surgeries’ so residents can come and talk to him in person.

He says he’s committed to tackling real problems he see in the borough such as homelessne­ss, the problems with the roll-out of Universal Credit and air pollution.

He says he’ll also fight for a remain stance on Brexit because “vital” EU laws on issues such as air pollution and because so many EU staff are vital working in the UK at Heathrow and in the NHS.

Ultimately though he says it will come down to the fact he is here on the streets willing to spend time with people in Uxbridge.

“I’m a campaigner by trade and he wouldn’t be able to keep up with me. He doesn’t like being here but I do,” he laughs.

Whatever people think about Mr Milani’s past actions, Boris will certainly have plenty to think about in the run up to the next election – whenever that may happen.

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 ??  ?? Ali Milani, 24, hopes voters in Uxbridge and South Ruislip will back him in the next general election
Ali Milani, 24, hopes voters in Uxbridge and South Ruislip will back him in the next general election

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