Ruislip & Eastcote & Northwood Gazette

‘You may never be released’



A “LONELY” Hayes mum, who became an Islamic State supporter and planned to “blow St Paul’s Cathedral to the ground” in an Easter terror attack, was getting “cold feet” and would never have gone through with it, a court has been told.

Muslim convert Safiyya Amira Shaikh kept “having doubts” about going through with the plot, but said she did not want to disappoint two “friends” she was conspiring with.

Shaikh was said to have become distressed following her arrest when it was disclosed to her that those two friends were actually undercover police officers.

The Old Bailey heard on Friday June 26 how Shaikh carried out a reconnaiss­ance mission to the central London landmark in September 2019, but pushed the date of the attack back from Christmas to Easter because she “had doubts”.

She had also gone through the early stages of getting fitted for a suicide vest, saying she wanted to carry out a mass atrocity before becoming a martyr.

However, she cancelled a subsequent meeting with the undercover officers in October as she “started to get doubts”, causing concerned police to swoop in and arrest her.

Defence counsel Ben Newton said: “This particular terrorist act would never have actually happened.

“Three people were involved in this plot and the other two were undercover police officers.

“There was no bomb and there never would be.

“On evidence before the court, there were clear indicators Safiyya Shaikh had cold feet and wouldn’t go through with it.”

Shaikh, wearing a hijab, wept as her defence counsel described her “life of pain and loneliness”, and disclosed she suffered a “truly traumatic childhood”.

Mr Newton said his client went to great lengths in her efforts to please people, even travelling to Pakistan to get married against her will, before backing out at the last minute and being sent home to the UK in disgrace.

He said: “She didn’t want to blow up a church of people, she just wanted friends.”

Shaikh – formerly known as Michelle Ramsden – admits preparatio­n of terrorist acts and disseminat­ion of terrorist publicatio­ns on the internet.

The court heard Shaikh had converted to Islam in 2007 after being impressed by the kindness of a local Muslim family.

However, she became increasing­ly disillusio­ned by what she saw as the mosques’ moderate version of Islam, and “was keen to boast” about the extremist propaganda she posted online, encouragin­g others to commit acts of violence in the name of so-called Islamic State, prosecutor Alison Morgan QC said at a previous hearing.

The sentencing continues.

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 ?? PA ?? Safiyya Amira Shaikh pushed back the date of the attack on St Paul’s Cathedral because she ‘had doubts’
PA Safiyya Amira Shaikh pushed back the date of the attack on St Paul’s Cathedral because she ‘had doubts’

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