Ruislip & Eastcote & Northwood Gazette

Richand s deliciou


(makes 16)

200g plain flour; 100g dairy-free butter; pinch of salt; 50g caster sugar; 200g dark chocolate (we use Montezuma 73% dark)

For the caramel: 300g pitted dates; 40ml boiling water; 75g dairy-free butter; 100g light muscovado sugar; 150ml golden or maple syrup; 2 tsp vanilla extract or vanilla bean paste; 100g Biscoff spread

You will need: Oven preheated to 180°C; a 20 x 30cm baking tin greased and lined with baking paper; food processor; microwavea­ble bowl and microwave or saucepan and a heatproof bowl


1. For the biscuit base: Measure the flour, dairy-free butter, salt and sugar into a bowl. Rub with your fingertips until the mixture looks like crumble. Tip into the tin and lightly press down until even. Bake on the middle shelf of the oven for 12 minutes. Remove and set aside to cool in the tin.

2. For the caramel: Blend the dates and boiling water in a food processor until smooth. Add the dairy-free butter, sugar, syrup, vanilla and

Biscoff spread and blend until smooth and thick.

Roughly chop the chocolate and melt it in the microwave in 30-second blasts or pour hot water into the bottom of a pan and bring to a simmer, put a bowl on top and leave the chocolate to melt. Once melted, mix until smooth.

4. To assemble: Dollop the caramel on the biscuit base and spread to an even layer. Pour over an even layer of the melted chocolate. Leave to cool, then transfer to the fridge to set for two hours. Heat a sharp knife under the hot tap and slice the shortbread into squares.

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