Runcorn & Widnes Weekly News

Driver who fell asleep at wheel jailed over crash


A PROFESSION­AL driver who already had 13 points on his licence when his van veered into the wrong lane into a head-on crash in Runcorn has been jailed.

David Dean, 43, was jailed for 10 months at Chester Crown Court on Friday after pleading guilty to causing serious injury by dangerous driving.

The crash happened on Daresbury Expressway at about 6.15am on Thursday, March 31, as he headed to work, having left home, in All Saints View, Leeds, at 4.30am.

Karl Scholz, prosecutin­g, said the collision left victim John Adlington with a broken ankle, ligament damage, a cut to the head and a bruised arm.

Dean had been seen driving in an erratic way before the collision.

Victoria Holmes, a witness driving behind, said he stopped at green lights before ‘shooting off’.

The van went through red lights and caused another vehicle to brake as he pulled ahead of it as two lanes merged into one on Daresbury Expressway. Then his van careered into the opposite lane and into Mr Adlington’s car. ●

Dean told police he had no recollecti­on of his journey from Saddlewort­h Moor.

Mr Adlington was due to undergo surgery to insert two pins as a result of his ankle injury in September. Dean broke his hip and lost his job after receiving an interim ban in the magistrate­s’ court.

The court heard Dean had been showing symptoms of sleep apnoea, such as sleepiness and exhaustion leading up to the day of the crash.

Mr Scholz said that he had 13 points on his licence for speeding and had a past conviction for dishonesty.

Anna Pope, defending, said the crash happened because Dean fell asleep.

She said he was lucky not to be facing a charge of death by dangerous driving but he had shown remorse and had not been exceeding the limit or using his mobile phone.

She said he had started to show symptoms of sleep apnoea but his diagnosis was not confirmed until August.

Dean had visited his doctor nine days before the crash, saying he had been feeling sleepy but was not advised not to drive.

Judge Brian Cummings QC said the collision followed a ‘passage of bad driving’.

He jailed Dean for 10 months and banned him from driving for two years and five months.

Sentencing, Judge Cummings said: “I’ve read the medical evidence relating to your sleep disorder, the position there is nine days before the incident you had attended your GP with a history of sleep problems.

“You had not been diagnosed with sleep apnoea at that time but you had spoken of feeling sleepy during the day.

“You had been asked if there had been any falling asleep, for example if you stopped at the lights for a few minutes with the engine running, would you fall asleep?

“You said there was no chance. You were aware there was a problem, it was affecting your sleep.”

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Daresbury Expressway

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