Runcorn & Widnes Weekly News


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THERESA May hopes to fool the hard-Brexiters by cutting ties with the EU, but also to satisfy the Big Bankers by prioritisi­ng trade with the EU. By turning the safety of the British Public into a bargaining chip like she is, her government is putting us in more danger from terrorist attacks, and isolating the British Intelligen­ce services from the informatio­n which is vital for counter-terrorism operations.

Theresa May’s letter to the EU, announcing Brexit, threatened that if no deal on trade was done, Britain might withdraw collaborat­ion on security, among other things. This is no longer about prosperity, but also about security.

Would we really want to withhold informatio­n on the extremists who machine gunned a concert hall in Paris in 2015, drove a lorry into revellers on the seafront in Nice or bombed Brussels airport?

Would we be happy if a European country had known in advance about the London terrorist attack but couldn’t tell us?

In an attempt to pander for votes and soundbites, May is neither succeeding to deliver a soft nor hard Brexit, but an anti-climactic one. Britain will not become a beacon of free trade and independen­ce, as ● some had hoped, but a subordinat­e to the will of the EU. Britain will not strike another amicable, freer relationsh­ip with the EU, but this government will isolate us and relinquish the powers the British Public enjoyed.

In trying to pander to both the extreme wing of her party as well as the pro-business fatcats who applauded her as she campaigned to remain in the EU, she and her government have failed to satisfy either argument.

A complete failure to recognise the workers’ rights and rights of ordinary British people is, sadly, to be expected from Mrs May. But, May needs to learn not to overplay her hand, and realise that the security of the British People is more important than the profits of the mega-rich who prop her up, and whose money is sustaining the flimsy government which she leads.

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 ??  ?? Is the PM pandering to extremists and business fatcats over Brexit?
Is the PM pandering to extremists and business fatcats over Brexit?

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