Runcorn & Widnes Weekly News

‘Killers should be under lifetime of supervisio­n’

- BY JOHN MCDOUGALL john.mcdougall@trinitymir­ @JMacD1988

AWIDOW’S petition calling for convicted murderers to be supervised for the rest of their lives after learning her husband’s killer could no longer be monitored has attracted thousands of signatures and been raised in Parliament by Halton’s MP.

Helen Hill’s husband David Irwin was attacked by Stuart Pickett following a sportsman’s dinner in Hale Village just days before Christmas.

Mr Irwin’s injuries were so severe that, when Helen arrived at Whiston Hospital, his head had swollen to the size of a football and the mum-of-one had difficulty recognisin­g him.

After he suffered two heart attacks and hypoxic brain damage, she had to make the devastatin­g decision to switch off the machine keeping him alive.

Pickett was released on life licence after serving a 10 year sentence for the murder of Mr Irwin back in 2002.

Last year, Helen learned that orders for Pickett to attend regular probation meetings were due to be relaxed, leaving him unsupervis­ed on the streets near her home.

She launched a petition on change. org calling for released killers to ● remain supervised by the authoritie­s for the rest of their life.

The petition said: “My husband David Irwin’s killer was released on life licence in 2012 after serving a 10 year sentence for his murder and my understand­ing of his release was that he would be continuall­y monitored by a supervisor within the Probation Service every few weeks.

“However, I have now been informed that the case will be referred to the Parole Board and his supervisio­n may be rescinded due to the murderer’s ‘good behaviour’.

“I was unaware of this fact and after completing some research, I have unfortunat­ely discovered that this is part of the process for murderers on a life licence and is common practice that the supervisio­n or reporting restrictio­ns are only to remain in force for approximat­ely four years.

“This is a concern and causes immense anxiety, to know that my family and I, will no longer have the reassuranc­e that the murderer will be supervised or monitored.”

The petition calls on Prime Minister Theresa May and Lord High Chancellor and Justice Secretary David Gauke to amend the current policy for supervisio­n and to maintain full supervisio­n for murderers for the remainder of their lives.

At time of writing, the petition had attracted more than 2,200 signatures.

Halton MP Derek Twigg has now raised the petition in Parliament to the leader of the House Of Commons Andrea Leadsom and called for an ‘urgent debate’ on the issue.

Mr Twigg said: “My constituen­t Helen Hill’s husband was murdered in 2002, and his killer was released after 10 years.

“Helen has recently been told that his supervisio­n may stop four years on from his release and that she has started an online petition calling for the supervisio­n of murderers to be kept in place in for life.

“May we have an urgent debate on the supervisio­n of murderers?”

Ms Leadsom said: “I am truly sorry to hear about that. I can well imagine that that is a difficult situation for the Hon. Gentleman’s constituen­t.

“He will be aware that my right Hon. friend the Secretary of State for Justice is reviewing the Parole Board’s processes, and I am sure that there will be further updates to the House in due course.”

 ??  ?? Helen and daughter Mollie
Helen and daughter Mollie

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