Runcorn & Widnes Weekly News

Protestors fight NHS privatisat­ion

- BY OLIVER CLAY oliver.clay@trinitymir­ @OliverClay­RWWN

PROTESTORS descended on Warrington Hospital in a show of support for the NHS and in opposition to reforms they say are aimed at privatisin­g the service.

Activists were joined by health workers, patients groups and members of the public to ‘sent a clear message out to the Government that the NHS is not for sale’.

The demonstrat­ion was organised by Angela Walsh, of Halton And Weaver Vale Momentum.

Campaigner­s also ran a Solidarity stall in the town centre, collecting signatures and support from shoppers and business people.

Angela said: “Warrington Hospital plays a massive part in the lives of communitie­s in Warrington, Widnes, Runcorn and the surroundin­g area, providing excellent health care and jobs for local people.

“We don’t want affordable care organisati­ons (ACO) running our NHS.

“We want a properly funded, publicly owned health service, free at the point of use for all.

“It was fantastic to see so many people, from young kids to nans and grandads, come down here and show their support for the NHS.

“The sights and sounds of the kids leading the chanting and waving their home made signs and banners shows you how important this is for future generation­s.

“We must also thank Faisal Rashid MP (Labour) for coming ● down and backing us and to the drivers including a few local police for honking their horns in support.”

Stephen Armstrong, volunteer, said: “We had queues of people waiting to sign the petition and vent their anger over the crisis Jeremy Hunt and the Tories have created in the NHS.

“No-one believes their lies about investment or staffing levels.

“All across the country, ordinary people are coming together to fight for their NHS, and say no to privatisat­ion and outsourcin­g.

“Today is just the beginning.”

 ??  ?? Angela Walsh from Widnes and Faisal Rashid, MP for Warrington South among protestors at Warrington Hospital
Angela Walsh from Widnes and Faisal Rashid, MP for Warrington South among protestors at Warrington Hospital
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