Runcorn & Widnes Weekly News

Teen raped girl, 3


A TEENAGER was locked up for four years for raping a three-yearold girl.

The 17-year-old defendant abused the child as she slept on a living room sofa in her home, where he was a guest.

Robert Jones, prosecutin­g, told Chester Crown Court that the girl ran upstairs to tell her dad, who noticed her dress was strangely tucked into her knickers.

When asked why she was dressed that way, she said to her parent: “It wasn’t me.” She then explained how the youth had put a part of his body in her mouth.

The dad ordered the teenager to leave his home in Runcorn and reported him to police.

The teenaged sex offender, who cannot be named because of his age, was quickly arrested and underwent two police interviews during which he gave no comment.

But when presented with incontrove­rtible DNA evidence that he had abused the child, who also cannot be identified, he later pleaded guilty at a magistrate’s court.

His barrister Myles Wilson said the teen had a difficult childhood, adding that he’d been placed in care at stages of his life, and was living with a foster family.

Judge Patrick Thompson said: “You yourself spent time with the family and they had no concerns at all with leaving their most precious thing in the world with you.

“This was a very serious offence indeed and a grave crime. What you did was for your own sexual gratificat­ion.

“This was a highly vulnerable victim, it was targeted, you took advantage of being put in a position of trust.

“You stole her security and safety in her own home. The emotional and physical impact on her probably won’t be appreciate­d until much later in life.”

After the sentencing, the three-year-old’s mum said: “He was a regular visitor to our house, so I’ve felt numb, like I don’t want to believe it.

“He’s disgusting. Other than this, he wasn’t a bad kid, and he’s never done harm to any other kids. This is all a big shock.”

She added: “I’m a bit disappoint­ed with [the length] of the sentence. But he could have got life in jail, and that wouldn’t have been enough for me.”

The hearing took place last Wednesday, February 21.

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