Runcorn & Widnes Weekly News

Raiders branded ‘evil’


TWO burglars have been branded ‘evil’ after breaking into an elderly woman’s home and coming face to face in Runcorn.

The masked pair smashed a patio door to gain entry to 89-year-old June Nimock’s bungalow on Moorland Drive, Murdishaw, as she was settling down to watch TV at around 6-6.30pm on Saturday – just weeks after she suffered two massive heart attacks – but later fled when she pressed a care alarm.

Maria Nimock, June’s daughter-in-law, said the pensioner’s terrifying ordeal began when June heard a window smash and went to investigat­e.

In her bedroom she pulled back a blind to reveal a man in a Balaclava looking back from the other side of the glass. The thug told her to open the door, claiming he needed to ‘repair the pipes’.

June refused, telling him there was nothing wrong with her pipe and that she had a dog, but then saw another figure dart past behind and a short time later heard a loud smash as entry was forced via a patio door.

She was then confronted by two men in dark clothes and Balaclavas, one 6ft tall the other about 5ft, and she started screaming and ‘couldn’t get her breath’, but then sat down and pressed her Careline support alarm, brandishin­g the button at them.

One said ‘Oh my God, she really has got one’ before they fled emptyhande­d.

During the short time they were inside the bungalow they rifled through her draws and ripped and threw a wardrobe on the floor.

June believes there may have been a third burglar because of how quickly the patio door was smashed, and Maria said police suspect that the gang used a crowbar to smash its way in having failed to pick the lock.

Cheshire police said the incident happened at about 6-30pm and the men ran away in an unknown direction.

One of them is described as skinny and about 5ft 3ins tall.

The other was taller than the first, and had a scarf wrapped around his face.

Both were skinny and wearing dark clothes with their faces covered.

The break-in happened during June’s first week out of hospital following two heart attacks and could have ended in tragedy.

Maria, of Sabre Close, said: “She’s pretty durable. I don’t know if it’s 100% sunk in what’s happened but she’s of that age group – she’s pretty feisty. “We’re still worried about her.

“Three weeks ago they told her she wouldn’t survive a heart attack. She’s totally with it but it’s shaken her up.

“It’s shaken us up – we’re only round the corner. It’s just evil, it’s horrific. They’re complete and utter scum. Before she had the heart attacks she was running round Runcorn like a 60-yearold woman. If it had been four weeks ago she would have hit them over the head with her walking stick.”

Call police on 101 quoting incident IML 237706.

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