Runcorn & Widnes Weekly News

Silhouette vandals should be ashamed

Appeal for northern HS2

- Tony Miller Runcorn Confederat­ion Of British Industry

THE silhouette that was decapitate­d near the Shopping City was of a sailor.

It was to be donated by Halton Council to The Tom Wilkinson VC statue appeal later this year. It was going to be used to raise funds, funds for a statue of a man who paid the ultimate price fighting for our country, he was the Captain of a Yangtze river ferry, it was narrower and slightly longer than a Mersey ferry.

After Japan declared war on the USA and Great Britain it was seconded into the Royal Navy, as was the crew.

It went to Hong Kong for it to be armed and commission­ed into the Royal Navy, it was renamed HMS Li Wo, armed with a WW1 Japanese 4 inch gun and two Vickers machine guns.

Out at sea two convoys were spotted, they thought it was the RN & RAN converging, so they headed towards them, to their horror it was two Japanese convoys converging heavily pro

CONNECTING our great cities of the North with a world-class, higher capacity rail network is not only fundamenta­l to the success of the Northern Powerhouse, it is fundamenta­l to the success of the entire country.

HS2 Phase Two will extend the benefits of this vital piece of infrastruc­ture to more than 25 million people – over a third of the UK’s population – across the Midlands, The North and Scotland.

These people and places must not be denied the job and growth opportunit­ies that HS2 brings.

It must continue beyond Birmingham. Our support must not flounder or stall. We must unite to deliver HS2 in full, and we urge you to join us by offering your vocal and unwavering support.

Making HS2 happen will help ensure the UK fulfils its potential.

To our next potential Prime Minister we say – back it, build it, benefit from it.

HS2 Phase One, connecting London to the West Midlands, received Royal Assent in 2017 and constructi­on is beginning.

It’s led to record levels of Foreign Direct Investment in to the West Midlands, with more than 7,000 new jobs created in Birmingham as a direct result of HS2, and over 100,000 more expected around the new Curzon Street and Interchang­e stations. We assert that committing to HS2 in full, once and for all, will spread the flow of investment across the Midlands, the North of England and into Scotland. The current poor connectivi­ty in the North is a major obstacle to encouragin­g companies from growing in the region and is a barrier to inward investment.

According to Transport For The North (TfN), fewer than 10,000 people in the North can access four or more of the North’s largest economic centres within an hour. This has to change.

The Northern Powerhouse is facing a power shortage tected with medium cruisers and destroyers.

It was decided to take on the Japanese with their 4 inch gun and two machine guns, a slightly unequal sea battle was to take place.

They sank a troop carrier and damaged another one, HMS Li Wo was soon in trouble, eventually the order was given to abandon ship, Tom went down with his ship.

Some of the passengers were survivors of HMS Repulse and HMS Prince Of Wales, out of at least 90 men, only three survived the war.

Those responsibl­e for attacking the extremely dangerous silhouette should be awarded a medal for bravery, I would like to bet even the SAS wouldn’t take on a silhouette.

Their parents must be really proud of them.

It’s such a pity they don’t want to be known, as they could be thanked in a truly benefittin­g way. and it must be rectified as a matter of urgency.

We urge the next Prime Minister and Government to re-state its commitment to Northern Powerhouse Rail, and its links to HS2, as a matter of urgent priority.

The businesses we represent are happy to provide evidence for any review, and this letter is testament to the strength of feeling among firms large and small.

We are passionate believers that this is not just a Northern issue, it is a UK issue. We should move away from arguments that pit Crossrail 2 in London versus Northern Powerhouse Rail; both schemes are vital for Britain’s future. It’s not an either/or choice. Britain needs both.

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