Runcorn & Widnes Weekly News

‘Obscene waste of cash’

- James Roberts

THE tiresome Royal soap opera, funded by British taxpayers, is in the midst of a dramatic crisis, with two members seeking to exit the stage for more profitable pastures new.

Sixth-in-line to the throne, Prince Harry, and his American wife, Meghan Markle, want to strike out on their own, having tired of the restraints placed upon them by their Royal ‘duties’.

The Duke and Duchess Of Sussex have been preparing their departure from the Royal stage for a long time.

They patented ‘Sussex Royal’ as a trademark in the UK in June last year.

They will now move on to patent it as a global trademark to draw in multi-million pounds/dollars incomes, way in excess of what they currently enjoy as members of the Royal

Family. In their ‘resignatio­n’ statement on their website, they complain that the ‘Sovereign Grant’ paid to The Queen, and shared out among other members of the Royal Family, covers just 5% of costs for the Duke and Duchess.

Perhaps a crisis loan applicatio­n to the DWP is in the post? But wait. The rest of their £5m-plus annual income comes from Prince Charles’ Duchy of Cornwall Estate, worth £1bn.

While intending to shake off the shackles of Royal obligation­s, the Sussexes have no intention of letting go of the considerab­le financial perks that come with being ‘royals’.

Thus, they will keep Frogmore Cottage on the Windsor Estate, renovated at a cost to the taxpayer of £2.4m prior to their taxpayer funded marriage in May, 2018.

They also expect the British taxpayer to continue to fund their security as they divide their precious time between Canada and the UK.

Compare this super-rich soap opera affecting a few hundred very privileged, pampered people with the horrors facing the millions claiming Universal Credit and you arrive at why it is that increasing numbers of Britons find the ‘Royal Family’ an obscene waste of valuable public resources.

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