Runcorn & Widnes Weekly News



PARENTS all over the country are breathing a sigh of relief as their children prepare to go back to school after a difficult few months. The classroom is the best place for children to be, as face-to-face learning gives them a secure routine and normality, and helps with their socialisat­ion, motivation and mental wellbeing.

Schools and colleges are now fully reopening, welcoming back all pupils, and their health and wellbeing are a priority. Schools are well prepared, with protective measures in place, including bubbles, increased hygiene, staggered breaks and ventilatio­n.

Staff and pupils in secondary schools and colleges are also being advised to wear face coverings where social distancing cannot be maintained. Students will be tested twice a week, receiving three initial rapid tests at school or college before transition­ing to twiceweekl­y home testing. Schools have been open to vulnerable pupils and children of key workers during lockdown; staff have worked hard to make sure the wider return goes smoothly and schools are as safe as possible. And they are passionate about closing the education and wellbeing gap. The Government is supporting the return and education catch-up through various programmes (see below).

Dean Buckley, principal of Kirk Balk Academy, a secondary school in Hoyland, South Yorkshire, can’t wait to welcome students back.

“It’s essential that students return to school as quickly as is safely possible,” he says. “Despite live-streaming of all of the lessons, our students have missed out on so many of the positive experience­s of school. They’ve been affected by not being able to see friends, play sport and interact with each other.

We can’t wait for them to be back where they can learn and flourish.

“Our students really do thrive on the strong routines and the positive praise culture that we have, and we’re really excited about picking up where we left off, and doing all that we can to make sure we reconnect with a sense of normality and purpose towards enjoying learning and succeeding.”

Kirk Balk, a Northern Education Trust academy, has had around 120

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