Runner's World (UK)


Get out of your training rut by introducin­g a weekly swim into your routine and #Make1kwet


Some weeks you open your training diary and it feels like Groundhog Day. Speedo is changing that, calling on runners to swap the pavement for the pool and #Make1kwet.

Sure, there’s comfort in routine, but no matter how hard you train, if you only ever do the same thing you’ll find it more difficult to get the results you want. The progress you’re making starts to plateau, which is why you should shake things up by swapping your trainers for your swim kit once every week. Just like your trainers, Speedo fit swimwear offers the perfect mix of performanc­e and comfort. Their four-way stretchabl­e fabric technology offers maximum flexibilit­y, while their Endurance+ and chlorine-resistant fabrics mean your kit will retain its shape, colour and quality week in, week out.

Not only is swimming one of the best cardio workouts you can get, it also (deep breath): improves muscle tone, sheds fat, improves flexibilit­y, lowers your resting heart rate, protects your joints and reduces stress. That’s not too shabby for one small change to your schedule, is it? However, the best thing about swimming is that it’s ideal for any fitness level, and public pools are split into lanes to cater for every speed and level of ability. So whether your goal is to improve your fitness, let your body recover without taking a rest day, or simply find a bit more quiet in the tumult of modern life – switch your kit out, head down to your local pool and #Make1kwet.

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