Runner's World (UK)


- uk.virginmone­ Creasyhead­stogether


‘Suicide was not a word we ever imagined would be associated with our family. However, in 2012, my father – a highly respected doctor – took his own life after an acute struggle with depression. He was 55.

It was a massive shock for us all and even as a doctor myself I found it difficult to accept that he’d died as a result of mental health problems, because physical illnesses are easier to understand. That’s what this marathon is all about. I’m running it along with my mum, Philippa, and my brother, Will, to raise funds and awareness for CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably), in associatio­n with Heads Together, two mental health charities. Suicide is the biggest cause of death among men under 45 in the UK. We need to promote a change in culture to remove the stigma associated with mental health problems and ensure those considerin­g suicide feel able to seek help through charities like CALM.

None of us were runners before this, but we’ve been getting together at weekends for the long runs and I text mum and Will the sessions they need to fit in during the week. My weekday runs are mostly after work with a head-torch! The headspace running offers has been helpful for all of us. I’ve found myself enjoying it now, and Mum has made it so much part of her routine that I think she’ll carry on after the marathon. It’s going to be a hugely emotional day and an immense physical challenge, but we’ll be thinking of Dad and there’ll be lots of his friends and family out supporting us. We will cross the finish line together.’

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