Runner's World (UK)

Injury-free In Just 20 Minutes

Use bad weather as a chance to get stronger with these 20-minute indoor workouts


Six snappy indoor moves

STRENGTH WORK is often neglected by runners in favour of cardio and then more cardio. But building your strength is a vital part of improving both your running form and your speed. These moves – designed by fitness trainer Becca Pace – work your hips, hamstrings and glutes, while also improving your balance. ‘For runners, that means fewer falls on mixed terrain,’ says Pace. This ballet-training-inspired workout also targets muscles that may be weak or tight. Grab a towel to get started.


Stand with your feet more than hip-width apart, toes pointed out. Extend your arms to the sides, palms forward. Do a wide squat, then bend left at the waist, bringing your right arm towards the ceiling and your left hand behind your calf. Return to centre; switch sides. Do 4 reps.


Stand with your feet hipwidth apart. Step your right foot out, bend your knee and sit your hips back as you lower into a side lunge, hands together. Drive off your right foot to return to start; step your right foot back and across your left leg, lowering into a cross lunge. Do 8 reps, then switch sides.


Lie face up on the floor, legs extended. Press your lower back into the floor and lift you legs straight up, towards the ceiling. Point your toes and lift your head and shoulders off the ground. Lower one leg and as you do so, grab the back of the other leg. Quickly repeat on the other side. Do 16 reps.


Lie face up, heels near your bum. Squeeze your glutes and lift your hips. With weight on your left heel, lift your straight right leg towards the ceiling. Lower your leg to hover just above the floor, then swing the leg out to 45 degrees. Bring leg back in front and continue reps. Do 8 reps, then switch sides.


Stand behind the end of a towel and slightly extend one leg back. Bend forward, place your hands on the floor and walk the length of the towel with your hands (back leg lifted). Pause in plank, then walk your hands back towards your feet. Roll your body up. Do 4 reps; switch legs.


Stand with your feet more than hip-width apart, toes pointed out. Extend your arms to sides, palms forward. Lower into a wide squat. Lift halfway, pivot feet to the left (upper body follows) and lower into a lunge. Lift halfway, pivot to front; switch sides. Do 8 reps.

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