Runner's World (UK)

GET A HEAD START 5 Minutes Before a Run…



Grabone foot behind you, pull toward your bum. Release, step forward; switch legs. After 30 secs, cradle right leg at the ankle and knee, pull up to chest. Release, step forward; switch legs. Repeat for 30 secs.

HIP OPENER TARGETS Deep hip external rotators

From standing, bend left knee and lift leg to hip level, then rotate out to 90degrees. (Place left hand under knee to stabilise.) Bring leg back to front; lower foot and switch sides. Repeat for 30 secs.

ARMCIRCLES TARGETS Chest, deltoids, upper back

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and lift arms out to shoulder height, palms down. Make small circles; after 30 seconds, switch direction. Continue for another 30 secs.

FRANKENSTE­INWALK Targets ham strings

Start standing with feet together. Extend right leg straight out in front of you as you bring left hand to tap right toes. Lower leg and step forward; repeat on opposite side. Continue for 30 secs.

LEG CROSSOVER + SCORPION TARGETS Lower back, hamstrings, hips

Lie face-up, legs straight and arms out. Lift right leg up and across body, tapping foot on floor. Return to start; repeat on other side. After 30 secs, flip over to lie face down and repeat. Continue for 30 secs.

INCHWORM TARGETS Core, deltoids, hamstrings

From standing, bend forward at the waist to touch your toes, then walk hands out to a plank. Hold for two seconds; walk feet to meet hands. Roll up to starting position. Repeat for oneminute.

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