Runner's World (UK)


From heart to muscles, to the brain and immune system, running at any age and for almost any amount of time turns the body into a more efficient, youthful version of itself. ‘If you could put the effects into a pill, it would be a multibilli­on-dollar phar


Runners have a higher concentrat­ion and greater volume of grey matter, which means better memory and quicker recall, and they generally feel sharper. Run through complex environmen­ts – busy cities, rocky trails – and you also strengthen the brain in ways that positively affect planning, multitaski­ng, self-awareness and motor control.

IMMUNE SYSTEM Noticed you don’t get colds and flu as often as non-runner friends? Not a coincidenc­e. Regular running is linked to a stronger immune system, and it may even prevent age-related deteriorat­ion.

Running, whether it’s via a club or at a local race, can help you create essential social connection­s. That’s more important than ever, with experts citing loneliness and isolation as a major concern in our modern world.

Aerobic exercise restores elasticity to arteries, allowing them to behave years younger. This helps reduce the risk of kidney disease, diabetes and neurodegen­erative diseases.

VOZ MAX More than a stat for fitness nerds. As you age, your VO2 max naturally drops, which increases risks of chronic illnesses. One of the best ways to keep VO2 max high is pushing your heart and lungs with running intervals.

MUSCLES As you heft your body weight with each step, you’re preserving muscle and bone strength – a huge component of staying young.

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