Runner's World (UK)


Kettlebell training is a quick route to faster, stronger running


IT’S TIME TO PUT THE KETTLE ON. New research1 has found that kettlebell training significan­tly boosts aerobic capacity, and improves core strength and dynamic balance. Kettlebell training is a caloriebur­ner, too, with workouts torching about 20kcals per minute – roughly equivalent to running 6min/ mile pace. ‘This simple piece of equipment can develop muscular endurance, strength, power and cardiovasc­ular capacity – all of which contribute to making you a better runner,’ says Phillippa Gillespie-eyles, Kettlebell instructor at Everyone Active’s leisure centre in Dulwich, London. She recommends runners incorporat­e two 30-minute kettlebell sessions a week into their training programme, saying runners will begin to see results within a month. Here are three exercises to try:

1. Swings

This builds strength in the hips – a weak spot for many runners. Aim for two sets of 50 swings, with 1-min rest between each.

‘This fires up the glutes, hamstrings and lower back to boost power,’ says Gillespie-eyles.’

2. Squats

Hold the kettlebell in both hands and squat until your elbows touch your knees. Aim for 3 sets of 15 reps (1-min rest between sets). ‘This is great for the quads, hamstrings, glutes, abs and lower back,’ says Gillespie-eyles.

3. Leg pass-throughs

Pass a kettlebell through your legs, making a sideways ‘8’. Aim for 5 rotations. Repeat 3 times. Gillespie-eyles says the action ‘moves the body in a different plane of movement to target the lower body, core and shoulders’.

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