Runner's World (UK)


So many protein powders – whey, pea, rice, casein, spirulina – but which is best for you?


Which protein powder is best for you?

CONSUMED BY everyone from heavy-lifting bodybuilde­rs to long-distance runners, nutrition-packed protein shakes have become a post-exercise staple for athletes of all shapes and sizes. ‘Their main advantage is convenienc­e,’ says Renee Mcgregor, a performanc­e and clinical dietitian (reneemcgre­ ‘They are portable and useful in situations where food availabili­ty is limited or when an individual struggles to consume real food before or after a workout.’

However, there’s no need to reach for a shake after every run. ‘The only time I would recommend them is if there is going to be a substantia­l gap between finishing your run and eating your next meal, or if you’re planning on a further training session within 12 hours,’ says Mcgregor. Here’s a look at the various protein shakes and their respective strengths and weaknesses.

1. Casein

What Casein is the insoluble component of milk, whereas whey is soluble. For this reason, it is slower to digest than whey protein and, says Mcgregor, can encourage repair for a more prolonged period of time. ‘For this reason, it has been suggested that casein-based drinks should be consumed prior to bedtime,’ says Mcgregor. However, she adds that you could, arguably, drink milk for a similar impact. Buy Neat Slow-release Protein, £34 for 1kg,

2. Whey

What The go-to protein powder for the masses, whey is a by-product of the cheese-making process. ‘Whey is the most tested [of the protein shakes] and the benefits of it are that it’s quickly absorbed into the body and so can stimulate muscle-protein synthesis quickly,’ says Mcgregor. When choosing which protein powder to buy, try to opt for one with a lower sugar content – some whey shakes are full of the sweet stuff. Buy Vifit Recovery Shake, £19.95 for 875g,

3. Pea

What Pea protein is dairy-free, so it’s a good choice for those with lactose intoleranc­e. It’s also a complete protein, meaning it contains all nine essential amino acids (those that can’t be made by the body and so must come from diet). ‘Pea protein is a good alternativ­e for those individual­s who are avoiding animal-based proteins,’ says Mcgregor. ‘It is as close as you are going to get with regards to branched-chain amino acids found in whey.’ Buy Neat Vegan Protein, £34 for 1kg,

4. Brown rice

What Another option for vegans, or those with dairy allergies, is brown rice protein. Some studies have shown it to be very effective in building muscle and aiding recovery, as well as providing fibre. But it is more slowly digested than whey protein. ‘Rice itself is not hugely high in protein and lacks some of the essential amino acids,’ says Mcgregor. ‘If I had to make a suggestion for a plant-based alternativ­e, I would suggest pea.’ Buy Pulsin, £26.99 for 1kg,

5. Spirulina

What Spirulina contains sources of all nine essential amino acids and is highly absorbable. In its dryweight form, spirulina is 60-70 per cent protein – a lot – but in terms of the amount you ingest from a supplement, it’s only about two grams. ‘You would have to take on a huge serving to get the same protein benefits of some of the others on this list,’ says Mcgregor. However, thanks to spirulina’s phycocyani­n content, it does have powerful antioxidan­t qualities. Buy Myvitamins Spirulina, £11.69 for 500g,

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