Runner's World (UK)


- Danny Lawson, Wallasey

I finally joined my local running club this June, just in time for the hottest July on record. I'm sure runners across the country will agree the weather this summer has been a challenge, but running with others has helped to keep me motivated. So when I was talking to my new clubmates about my upcoming holiday to Spain, there was uproar when I said I planned to leave my trainers at home, to have a break. ‘You can’t do that,’ they told me. ‘Running along the coast is one of the best bits about a holiday.’ So I lobbed my trainers in my suitcase and headed to the Calpe coast. I did at least log one activity on Strava; the sweatiest, hilliest mile of my life. I headed out at 7:30am in 30C heat; the only possible route was up steep steps and rocks. It definitely wasn't ‘one of the best bits about being on holiday’. Never again will I cave in to peer pressure!

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