Runner's World (UK)

How I Ran It Off

Previously inactive and overweight, Dr Jo Sacks took up running and is now leading by example


Dr Jo Sacks lost four stone and dropped eight dress sizes!


I used to go to the gym but didn’t do much there and I was eating a huge amount. It would be pizza on a Friday night, Chinese on a Sunday and meals out every week. I was also consuming a lot of ‘empty’ calories in the form of wine.

We’d go to the supermarke­t and buy food but throw it away at the end of the week because it had gone off. Even though I’m a GP and know all the problems that [an unhealthy] lifestyle can bring, you don’t necessaril­y apply the knowledge to yourself. I weighed 95kg [14st 13lb] and was a size 20. My BMI was 32. My husband and I both had body blindness – we were in denial.


In 2011 I woke up. I broke my right shoulder and ankle in a skiing accident; I was in a wheelchair for six weeks. There was lots of rehab, which would have been easier if I’d been fitter. I put on more weight and a switch flicked in my head. We cut out loads of the unhealthy stuff in our diets and I thought I’d have a go at running. I started on a treadmill but a neighbour helped me to run outside and I loved it.

I worked up to a 10K over the first year. It took forever to complete but I did another one faster not long afterwards, and in 2013 I took on the Great Eastern Half Marathon.

I hated running as a child and used to get my mum to write me notes to get me out of cross-country, but as an adult it has snowballed: since 2015 I’ve run the New York Marathon twice, as well as two other marathons, 12 half marathons and two ultras, one of them 54 miles long.

Looking health-promotion back, I wonder advice. how It was I gave hypocritic­al to have sat there, a size 20, telling people they needed to lose weight for their health. Patients saw me lose weight and they would ask how I was doing it. I think it motivated a lot of them to make changes.


I’ve lost 25kg [3st 13lb], dropped to dress size 12, reduced my bra size from 38F to 32DD and found a love for running and the wider running community.

I’ve made so many friends through running. I want to continue feeling good physically, shopping anywhere and feeling good about myself.

I’m going to carry on running three days a week (when I can get over a foot injury) and have my eye on the Midnight Sun Marathon, in Norway. If someone had said to me in 2012,

when I ran my first 10K, that I would go on to run an ultra, I would have laughed. Now I can’t imagine my life without running.

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HOW I RAN IT OFF!3st 13lb
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