Runner's World (UK)


Warm up and cool down well around these sessions



8 x 80 secs at mile-3k pace/effort with 75-90 secs very slow jog recovery on grass or trail. No GPS. 5 x 50 secs at mile-3k pace/effort with 1 min rest between efforts, then 3-4 min jog, then add 8 x 30 secs at mile pace/effort with 30 secs jog between each on flat grass or trail. No GPS.

(5 x 90 secs or 400m) x 2, with 80-90 secs rest between reps and 3 mins between sets. 1km or 4 mins + 800m or 3 mins + 600m or 2 mins + 400m or 75 secs; take 5-6 mins recovery between efforts. Start with the first 1km/4 min, repeat at 3K race pace and then aim to get faster with each rep, finishing with the 400m hard (at 800m pace).

4 x 400m at target mile pace (or a second or two faster), with 40 secs rest between efforts. (4 x 200m or 40 secs) x 4 with 30 secs recovery between repeats and 2 mins recovery between sets.


This session is designed to switch you off from too much feedback in terms of pace and pressure, and just get you used to running fast, pressure free.

Run the 400m repeats at 5K race pace; 200m jog between each 8-10 x 400m is a classic miler’s session. Here that’s broken up into two sets with a longer recovery between them to help make the pace feel a bit more manageable. Aim to run at or close to your goal mile pace. If you feel good, aim to push the final effort of each set faster.

This session simulates the fatigue you will feel in the latter stages of your mile race or PB attempt. The long recoveries between the efforts mean you need to really focus on giving each repetition your full attention. To simulate the demands of the race or PB attempt and to help you break the mile down into four periods of mental and physical focus. Aim to run this on the same surface as your mile race or PB attempt.

A week or so out from your race, this session is great for sharpening up and getting you running a race rhythm. The short recoveries in each set will simulate the build-up in fatigue you can expect on race day.

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