Runner's World (UK)

Out In The Cold

Running in winter can be a challenge, but with the right preparatio­n, you’ll be ready to tackle the elements


Running in winter can be a challenge, but do a little smart prep and you may never want to come home

WHEN THE TEMPERATUR­E DROPS, your resolve to lace up might take a nosedive, too. But the frosty air doesn’t have to put a freeze on your running routine. ‘Winter running is the time to develop your mental toughness and up your game,’ says Susan Paul, a running coach and exercise physiologi­st. ‘Finishing a run in miserable weather circumstan­ces is an incredible confidence booster and it will help get you out there next time.’

And that’s a good thing, because keeping up with your normal schedule can help you fight off the winter blues: exercising outdoors can cut anxiety levels more than sweating inside can, according to a study in the journal Mental Health and Prevention. Still, it can be hard to go for a run when the temperatur­e is low and the wind is howling, so here are some ways to outsmart the winter weather.

Dress down

Remember, the temperatur­e on your weather app doesn’t equate to how you’ll feel running once your body heats up. Wearing too many layers when it’s cold can cause your body to overheat when you’re only a few miles into a run. A warm pair of gloves

and a decent hat are a strong first line of defence because the further a body part is away from your heart (such as your fingers, ears and toes), the faster it gets cold. Consider the intensity of your run, too: dress warmer for an easy run and cooler for a hard workout or race.

Warm up

Running when your muscles are cold can increase your chances of suffering muscle trauma – meaning more aches and pains and a longer recovery, says running coach Jenny Hadfield. Taking a warm-to-hot shower before your run can help by making your muscles more pliable. Then, do a few exercises to release tension in your upper body and promote flexibilit­y in your lower body, such as arm rotations, head swirls, trunk twists, knee circles, ankle rotations and leg swings. Once you get outside, run at an easy pace for 10-15 minutes as a warm-up, says Hadfield.

Outsmart the wind

When you are running long in cold conditions, you may need to invest in specialise­d gear to stay comfortabl­e. On days when the wind chill is a concern, Hadfield suggests grabbing some windproof gear to block out the cold and trap your body’s warmth. Look for windproof materials such as Gore Windstoppe­r.

Then, plan your run wisely – look for a one-way route that has the wind at your back. Your pace will be quicker and you’ll feel warmer. If that’s not possible, run the first half into the wind and the second half with the wind at your back. You’ll do the hard miles up front and you won’t feel the wind whipping against you once you’ve worked up a sweat, which can chill you even more.

Fight the postrun chills

Cold temperatur­es coupled with sweaty clothes can cause your body temperatur­e to drop quickly after you stop running, making you shiver, says Hadfield. Change into dry clothing as soon as possible after your run, and drink something warm to heat yourself from the inside and replace lost fluids.

Try the Submarino: dunk 15g of a dark chocolate bar into one cup of very hot, whole milk and stir until melted. This Argentinia­n drink can pack a powerful one-two punch for athletes – the protein in milk helps repair muscle damage and the flavonols in cocoa may help oxygen flow.


 ??  ?? COLD COMFORT It’s all about dressing for the occasion
COLD COMFORT It’s all about dressing for the occasion

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