Runner's World (UK)



‘This piece of kit is great for making a body-weight workout more challengin­g,’ says personal trainer Max Lowery. ‘There’s benefit in the resistance loop because you’re working in two ranges of motion – against the loop as you push it away; and, as it contracts when you’re reversing the movement, you’re still working hard.’ Adding a loop to your routine will ensure you’re switching on your glutes and hip flexors. Don’t race through the moves – it’ll work your body more to do them slowly, with control.

Do 3 sets of 10-20 reps (A) Place the band just above your knees and stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Slowly lower into a squat. Inhale as you go and push your knees out against the band’s resistance.

(B) Exhale as you drive back up through your heels, squeezing your glutes. Use your glutes to push your hips slightly forward at the top.

Do 3 sets of 20 reps.

(A) Sit back with your shoulder blades resting on a chair or bench and place the band around your knees. Tilt your pelvis towards your belly button and squeeze your glutes.

(B) Raise your hips while opening your knees as wide as you can against the band, and exhale. At the top, hold for two secs, pushing against the band. Lower down slowly, lightly touching your bum to the ground, and repeat.

RUNNER’S WORLD / Guide To Home Workouts


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