Runner's World (UK)



JEANNIE RICE After moving to the US from Korea in 1968, she took a trip back home in 1983 and gained three kilograms (7lb) – all the relatives were feeding her a feast at every gathering. ‘We had to eat to be polite,’ says Rice. ‘I came home, I’m 5ft 2in, and I’m a little chubby. I wanted to lose those few pounds.’ So she started walking and jogging around her block. That summer, her two sons were on a local swimming team in Mentor, Ohio. Another mum invited Rice to run with her while the kids were at their daily practice. Her first race, a five-miler, soon followed. ‘I found out I can run,’ says Rice.

GENE DYKES He was a successful high school track athlete, running 10:17 for the two-mile. But when he got to college at Lehigh University, Pennsylvan­ia, he found himself ‘blown off the track’ by everyone else. After college, he kept running but was more interested in golf and bowling. In 2004, he was a fourth player for a golf outing, during which one of the other men mentioned he was in a running group. Dykes soon joined them. He did his first marathon in 2006, at the age of 58 – he finished in 3:43. In 2013, he hired his coach and reduced his marathon time from 3:29 to 3:09 in five months.

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