Runner's World (UK)



As the UK seems to be steadily finding its feet, with restrictio­ns easing, it’s had me reflecting on all the positives of the lockdown, especially with keeping up a running habit. In the third lockdown, I kept up a run streak of 62 days (the duration of the third lockdown before schools reopened). It was an entirely different lesson in running discipline and one that left me feeling healthier and more focused, and it structured my working-from-home days. During the run streak, I raised £230 for the student mental health charity Student Minds. I wish I could have found my passion for running sooner – exercising outdoors, setting goals and having something else to focus on other than my dissertati­on would have definitely helped during my university days. I wonder if there are student readers of Runner’s World who have found running to be a benefit to their studies? If so, keep it up!

– Illana Flora, via email

We would love to see more students running, Illana. After all, our sport has been proven to help boost brain power, memory and problem-solving – all of which are extremely useful skills to have in a tension-filled exam hall and beyond!

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