Rutherglen Reformer


Cambuslang terror hopeful locked up

- Court reporter

A wannabe terrorist from Cambuslang who claimed he wanted to join ISIS and said Hitler did a “s*** job” is behind bars.

Abdul Hafes (35), posted on Twitter he “hates Shia and Kurds” and said they should die.

He commented he wanted to join the terrorist group ISIS and asked for informatio­n to be emailed to him.

The posts were spotted by another member of the public and reported to the police.

Hafes pled guilty at Glasgow Sheriff Court to intending to stir up hatred on religious grounds and making racist remarks and inquiring about joining ISIS.

The court was told that the informatio­n was spotted on Twitter on June 21, this year, and

reported to the police when the tweets posted became more “abusive and aggressive”.

The first tweet spotted was “join us in Iraq” but later became violent and hatefilled.

Dad-of-three Hafes wrote “dirty sum b******* Shia low life scum b*******”.

He also wrote “I f****** hate Shia and Kurds you people should die like the jews by hands of Hitler he done a s*** job”.

Hafes - who claims he was extremely intoxicate­d at the time - also wrote “I would love to join ISIS in Iraq can this be possible email my personal email”.

A search warrant for Hafes’ house was granted and various items seized including phones, laptops and iPads.

However these items did not show anything of value to police and Hafes was detained.

While being interviewe­d by police Hafes initially made no comment although then said it was because of alcohol the offence had taken place but he couldn’t remember posting the tweets.

He made no reply to caution and charge.

Sheriff John Beckett QC deferred sentence on Hafes for reports and Hafes continued to be remanded in custody.

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