Rutherglen Reformer

Teenage fraudster pretended to collect for charity

- Court reporter

A teenage fraudster pretended to be collecting donations for the Princes Trust charity in Cambuslang, less than a year after being sentenced for the same crime.

Jonathon McLachlan ( 18) chapped doors of strangers and asked them for cash for a new football team.

He claimed to be collecting money for the Prince’s Trust - a charity founded by Prince Charles, to help young people.

But he was snared when he aroused suspicion and the police were called to the area.

McLachlan from Clydebank, pled guilty at Glasgow Sheriff Court to attempting to obtain cash by fraud at Alder Gate in Cambuslang on June 4, this year.

He also admitted having formed a fraudulent scheme, inducing three people into giving him a total of £45 by fraud.

In July last year, at Dumbarton Sheriff Court, McLachlan admitted pretending to be taking part in a charity bike ride to get money from neighbours in May 2013.

He was given a community payback order with the condition he must carry out 100 hours of unpaid work.

The court was told last week that on June 4, this year, McLachlan and another person under- 16 were in the Cambuslang area.

Procurator fiscal depute Zahra Latif told the court: “Carol Ann Donnelly was within her daughter’s home at Alder Gate.

“The accused came to the door under the guise of collecting sponsorshi­p money for the Princes Trust charity.

“This was about 3pm in the afternoon.

“She became suspicious of the accused, she observed him pretending he was disabled.

“She told the accused she would not be giving him any money.”

Miss Latif added that McLachlan was asking for money for a new football team.

Mrs Donnelly told McLachlan and his friend to leave the house and watched them split up and go to other houses nearby.

Because of their suspicious behaviour she contacted the police.

After leaving that house, McLachlan and his friend went to others nearby and again, asked for money for a football team.

Another suspicious neighbour phoned the police, who turned up shortly after when McLachlan had left the street, but was found nearby.

Miss Latif added: “They denied being in the area to collect sponsor money to the police, the accused was searched and found in possession of approximat­ely £45 in small notes and change which could not be accounted for.”

Some of the residents of Alder Gate confirmed they had given him money after he claimed to be collecting for charity.

It was said on his behalf that McLachlan did not accept that he pretended he was disabled, but accepted responsibi­lity for the crimes he pled guilty to.

Sheriff Lindsay Wood deferred sentence until next month and told him: “These are shameful offences you have committed against a background of a record involving dishonesty.

“When you come back here you can expect a lengthy sentence.”

 ??  ?? Guilty Conman Jonathon McLachlan targetted Alder Gate in Cambuslang
Guilty Conman Jonathon McLachlan targetted Alder Gate in Cambuslang

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